Chapter 33- Early

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Darcy gasped awake in the middle of the night due to a sharp pain. She knew what it meant, and she quickly shook Thomas. "Thomas? Thomas! Wake up!" She cried. He gasped awake and frowned, "What's going on? What is it?"

"It's time! Go get mom! A-and Penny!" Darcy yelled as she gasped from the pain, "Go now!" He quickly got up and ran out the door. Thankfully, it wasn't long before he returned with Anne, William, and Penny. "Awe the cribs are beautiful!" Penny smiled as she walked over to them. "Alright, Thomas, you get on the bed with her and keep her breathing," Anne ordered, "Darcy, you have two babies. Do your best to stay conscious."

"Okay," Darcy sighed. Anne sighed as she started to help Darcy take her panties off. "She's not ready yet," Anne said as Darcy cried out in pain. "You're different, Darcy. We can't do anything until you're dilated enough," Anne informed. Darcy nodded to show she understood. "Try to rest as much as you can," Anne said as she, Penny, and William rushed around the room to get everything ready.

Darcy cried out in pain every once in a while due to the contractions. Once everything was ready, Anne checked Darcy to see if she was ready. The frowned on her face made Darcy uneasy. "No. No. No. No. No. Don't give me the frown," Darcy cried. "The typical human birth is 24 to 48 hours. Werewolves can have them a lot sooner. Darcy, you're delayed for a werewolf mama," Thomas explained.

"What does that mean?" Darcy cried. "I'll give you another hour. If you're not dilated enough then, we're going to have to deliver a different way," Anne said. "We don't have the means to-," "Find them!" Anne interrupted William, "Just in case." William nodded and left the room. "Okay Penny, what's going to happen is, either way, I'm going to hand you the first baby, and you're going to wrap him or her in the blanket. Then I'll take care of baby number 2," Anne instructed.

Penny nodded. Darcy cried out in pain as another contraction cause her pain. "Just breathe, sweetheart!" Thomas sighed. "Fuck you!" Darcy yelled in pain. "That's how we got into this in the first place," Thomas replied to her comment sarcastically. Darcy couldn't resist the temptation to let out a chuckle. "See, you're going to be okay," He assured. "It's hot," Darcy replied. "Can we get a cold rag?" Thomas asked.

Penny paced over with a wet rag. Thomas gently dabbed Darcy's forehead with it. She sighed and relaxed a moment. "There you go. Just breathe," Thomas said as he comforted her. "Thomas, I'm scared," Darcy cried a bit. "Don't be scared," He assured, "I am right here. We're all right here." "What if I am not ready? What will she do?" Darcy asked.

"Don't worry, because when she checks you, you will be ready," He assured. "I'm sorry I yelled at you," Darcy cried. "Don't worry about that," He assured, "I love you, and I know that you love me." "I do love you! Very much!" Darcy replied.

"Okay, you two. Time to check," Anne said as she measured Darcy. She smiled as William came back in with Roman. "There you are," Anne greeted as she looked at them, "Well there's no need. Darcy, the next time you have a contraction, you push." "You hear that? It's time!" Thomas smiled to Darcy, as Anne got into position.

Darcy cried out as she felt the contraction, and her body made her push. She pushed with all of her might and cried out in the process. Sweat was forming on her as her unkempt and long hair stuck to her face. Thomas smiled a bit as he brushed some of her hair off her face. "I love it better long," He said which forced her to smile a bit, "Now breathe."

Darcy followed his motions as he helped her breathe. Then she felt another contraction and pushed as hard as she could, and cried out with her face contorted in pain. "That's it, baby. You got this!" Thomas assured in her ear. After a few more times, Darcy could barely take it. It wasn't until she heard the cries of a baby, that she found herself some motivation to stay conscious.

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