Denki Kaminari

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(Tw: Mentions of manipulation, Illegal shit and being ignored by parents) 

Denki Kaminari

Current age: 13

Parents: Aika Kaminari (Mother) Haruki Kaminari (Father)

Denki is known for being a social butterfly for almost all his life. He never found it hard to socialize. His parents, Aika and Haruki, have been nothing more but supportive of their son. 

Denki grew up in an apartment, but when he was Six, they had moved into a nice house. Denki is yet an only child, but he is quite the hand full. The older he got the more curious he became, getting into almost everything. When he was young it was just his father going to work, but once they moved his mother was going to work as well.

Sometimes if his parents weren't lucky their jobs would call them to come back to work on a weekend, they wouldn't be able to watch over their son while at work so they would leave him home alone since none of their families lived close by. See, Denki's parents have a money issue, they work hard every day but never seem to have any extra money after they pay bills and such.

This has been going on since Denki was seven. His mother and father were almost busy every single day, and of course, Denki's curiosity got the best of him. He would always ask questions, left and right, but he never got any answers. After a while, Denki just thought it was normal at that point. Only to realize that your supposed to be picked up from school, and also taken to school.

When Denki was ten years old, he deiced to stop asking questions on why they couldn't do normal family things, like actually spend time together. But because of the lack of attention Denki had gotten he now relies on others to give him that attention he needs, but when Denki tried making friends, they would just call him clingy.

Recently. Denki found a group of friends; they were fifteen and gave Denki that attention. But it would cost him. Denki didn't know better than to listen to his 'friends'. They would ask for his money or make him do something risky. It always seemed to be something illegal. Denki's parents felt like something bad might happen to their son. Denki was given a germen shepherd; his name was Ranger. His fur was dark but light brown, having black fur by its belly. Whenever Ranger was around Denki's 'friends' he would growl. Ranger can tell if your nice or not quite quickly, he was very friendly when he was around good people, but he was always protective over Denki.

Denki has been through dangerous situations. Examples:

1.                                                                                                                                                                                           When Denki was seven and a half, he was walking back home. He had gotten distracted by someone in their car trying to get him inside, luckily. One of the moms that picked up their kid from school saw Denki and brought him home safely, informing his parents about the situation.

2.                                                                                                                                                                                          When Denki was eight, he was given a taser. His parents told how to use it and why he should use it, almost fifty times. Denki was scared of holding, and terrified to use it. Tho when he was in class, they were learning about electricity. He was quite fascinated. Later at recess, he got the taser and turned it on, it showing the small electric current. Denki wanted to get a closer look, only for his nose to get in the way, leaving him to get electrocuted. He swore he saw someone who wasn't there when he had woken up, but after a few minutes he didn't see the person. Denki was known for having a crazy imagination, so everyone thought it was just that.

3.                                                                                                                                                                                            Denki was Thirteen when his 'friends' wanted to 'hang out'. In Denki's mind, they were friends he could trust, so he agreed without another thought. When Denki went there his 'friends' wanted to do graffiti. And he did so. He was lefted to run away from the police, barley making it away.

Denki Kaminari has done quite a few things that are illegal. He has robbed places and has been manipulated without realizing it. His head seems to be up in space almost 24/7. He struggles with schoolwork and such. His parents never keep him in the loop on what is going on, it leaves Denki to be confused on why his parents don't want to spend time with him, leaving him to blame himself.

The most current situation was caused by his 'Friends' as well. Ever since they were apart of Denki's life, he has been in more danger. His 'Friends' thought it would be funny to tie Ranger's leash on a train track, when Denki herd the train coming, he saw his dog and rushed over. His 'Friends' didn't care if he got hurt or not, leaving Denki to struggle to get the leash off of Ranger. His guardian angel had pushed him out of the way so Ranger and Denki wouldn't be harmed, but Denki's guardian was quite injured, which wasn't the first time his guardian had gotten injured from protecting the boy. In the end Ranger was fine, but Denki had gotten a broken Rist.

Hitoshi read through the book quite a few times. He wanted to make sure he would get everything right. Guardian angels are supposed to be with you since day one, Hitoshi is going to be there for his teenage years, and from research, it's the hardest part. Being a teenager seems to be someone who's trying too hard to figure out the world but also trying to figure themselves out. To Hitoshi, it seems simpler than what it's played out to be.

But it seems to be Denki Kaminari is a good person, just with the wrong people. Hitoshi has done research, upon research about how different each person can be. He knew about how different people's minds work, knowing the different point of views to each story someone told. He's learned to read how people feel by just looking at them, it made it easier to see when someone was lying.

Tho Hitoshi is quite intelligent, he had to give himself the job of making sure Denki would be safe till his time ran out. 

Hitoshi had put the book up, back in its place before leaving the library of life itself. Hitoshi made his way to the portal realm. Hitoshi had always found this place interesting. Each portal looked like water that was trying to suck you in like a tornado, though it was just flat on the bottom. Guardians describe the portals as if they were wet, but you yourself wouldn't even get a drop of water.

An angel stood at a desk, her hair was dark brown, and her wings were tucked away behind her back. A kind smile was placed on the angel's face. Angels are the ones who train Guardians. They were much more different than Guardian angels. "I see you finally assigned" she said, her voice was gentle and kind, she was the keeper of the portal realm. She would lead you to your portal before sending you off into your new job.

"I wasn't assigned, a guardian didn't want to there job anymore, so I volunteered" Hitoshi spoke with no emotion, not giving away on what he may or may not have felt. The angel nodded "What's their name?" The kindness and gentleness never seemed to leave her voice, though her smile was sadder at Hitoshi's words "Denki Kaminari" Hitoshi waited patiently as the angel looked through her giant book. The book contained where everyone's portal was located.

The angel led Hitoshi trough the realm of portals, Hitoshi looking at each and every portal. "I'm glad you assigned yourself with Denki. You seem to like you can help him out of his troubles. Just make sure his dog doesn't wake him" she said with small chuckle.

They made it towards a portal that led to Denki "Rember to be careful and not be seen" was the last thing Hitoshi herd before he went into the portal.

And Hitoshi's job had begun

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