The allergy attack pt 1

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Today was a regular day. Though it was the middle of the week and Denki's parents were home quite early. Denki, of course, was rather curious and so was Hitoshi if he were being honest. 

Denki made it his own mission to see what his parents were doing. Leaving his room with a white T-shirt and a pair of dark grey sweatpants, he went into the living room where Haruki and Aika sat at the couch, having a private conversation that no one seemed to know about.

When Haruki and Aika saw their son walking in front of them, they instantly stopped talking. "What are you guys talking about?" Denki asked, Ranger walking Infront of Denki. "Oh, um. We were just talking about...." Aika started, but her husband came up with an idea before her. "Balloons!" Haruki stated, feeling proud of his somewhat decent answer. Denki looked at his father with curiosity and excitement. Denki liked balloons; they always made him happy as they just floated.

"What kind of balloons?" And there was another question from Denki that his parents had to answer. Hitoshi looked down at Ranger who was looking at Denki. Ranger seemed to be keeping an eye on Denki more often. That almost made Hitoshi laugh, considering that's all he's been trained to do.

"A lot of different colored balloons" Aika said, a smile on her face. "How about you go back to your room?" Aika say's, hoping her son would agree and decide he had something to do, but Denki just looked at his mother with a slight pout.

"How come?" He asked. "We need to get some stuff done" Haruki spoke. Tough's words made Denki feel like he was just a distraction, like he was in the way. "I'm go for a walk" Denki said, before making his way towards the front door so he could put on his shoes.

Ranger wasn't going be with Denki on his walk, considering it was hot outside and his fur in the heat was miserable. But sometimes if something bugged Denki, he would take a walk. It seemed calming for him, and it helped his mental health.

Hitoshi only had complaint about Denki going outside for a walk. Not only was it hot, but there were always more dangerous things outside of the house. Though Hitoshi always has his guard up, he could relax slightly when Denki was in the comfort of his own home.

"Be safe!" His parents called at the same time, making Denki chuckle a bit. Opening the front door, Hitoshi slid out while Denki closed it after being outside himself. It was quite hot outside. He started to regret wearing sweatpants, guess there called sweatpants for a reason.

He walked along the sidewalk, feeling the heat of the summer get hotter and hotter by the second. Hitoshi was worried with how hot it was, hoping he didn't decide to take a long walk considering the longer he didn't get water, the more his body would need it. Guardians on the other hand don't necessarily need water. They could go without water for half a year before it started to affect them.


It has been a bit and Denki was absolutely sweaty. He had finally decided to turn back and make his way to his nice cool house. 

Hitoshi didn't not like the heat. The wings on his back only made his back sweatier than it needed to be. Although he could make a breeze with his wings, the breeze seemed to only make the heat in general worse in a way that made Denki even hotter, which would make him need water faster, so Hitoshi decided to suffer.

"Hey! You, over there!" Someone called, which caught Denki's attention. Looking over he saw someone waving their hand to get Denki's attention. It seemed as though the person had a stand of some sort, the top of it saying 'The Midoriya cafe samples'. 

Denki pointed to himself with a confused expression, trying to see if he was actually being asked to come over. "Ya! Come over!" Denki shrugged, making his way towards the stand that contained different samples of different drinks and such.

"I noticed you looked like quite hot. I'm giving out samples for my mom's cafe, mainly cold drinks. We only have one kind left so you can take as much as the sample's as you wish" The boy with green fluffy hair and green eyes told Denki. He wore a baggy white tank top with a pair of jean shorts, his freckles reflecting because of the sweat he had on his face.

Another boy was sat on one of tough's camping folding chairs, being more slouched as he looked like he didn't want to be there. He had ash blond spiky hair, wearing a black tank top with similar shorts as the other boy. "What kind of dumbass would wear sweatpants in this weather?" The ash blond mumbled.

"Sorry about him! He doesn't want to be out here too much longer" The green haired boy said with chuckle. Hitoshi was skeptical, though that's how he always was when Denki met or talked to strangers.

"Thanks!" Denki said with a smile, taking one of the small cups and chugging it down. A flavor in the drink tasted familiar in way, but he couldn't tell on what it was. "Hey, uh. What in this?" He asked the boy Infront of him, as he took another small cup, gulping it down.

"Well, there's strawberry's, kiwi, mango, water of course, and-" the rather green boy was interrupted by Denki's horrified face. "There's this?" he said, his breath shaking.

The word Mango alerted Hitoshi. Denki was one of the few people who were allergic to mango. It was rather rare, but it was still a thing. "Shit" Hitoshi said under his breath. Hitoshi has delt with this before and it was not good. "I'm allergic to mango" he spoke. He was already having trouble breathing.

The ash blond jerked up, now standing as the other boy panicked. "Do you have the pen shit you use when you have an allergy attack!?" He asked, he sounded rather angry but panicked. Denki only shook his head. "Deku, where the fuck is your phone!? Mine is dead" the green haired boy now known as Deku scrambled for his phone.

Hitoshi placed a hand in the middle of Denki's chest, keeping him up. Breathing kept feeling harder to do as he kept on breathing. His mouth itchy.

What an eventful day

A/n: Thanks to @sjandon06 and @Dancing_ona_moonbeam for helping with this idea! :]

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