The random conversation

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She's tried everything. She really did, but she couldn't get the boy to wake up from the dream realm. Now making people have dreamless sleep wasn't the worst thing considering on how many people there were in the world, but she couldn't just let most of Japan have dreamless sleep.

"I'll give you better dream, I promise. Just please wake up" The dream realm angel decided to try and plead. The seven-year-old Denki had tears running down his face, the turtle plush was still tight in his grasp. He shook his head making the angel sigh. "Please?" She tried one last time. "I don't know how..." Denki mumbled.

"Why didn't you just tell me that!?" She suddenly yelled out. Denki took a step back, wiping his face with his sleeve. The dream angel took a breath to calm herself down, moving some of her hair out of her hair. "Sorry, sorry. Um, just close your eyes and then pry your eyes open" She explained.

The dream keeper was tired of trying to convince the kid to just wake up or go back to his dream, but he wasn't budging. Of course, now he did. But the dream keeper just wished to be alone and doing her job while her brother would randomly peek in to see how she was doing.


Denki gasped as his eyes shot open. He tried to jerk up in a sitting position, but something was keeping him from doing so. "Calm down, your ribs are still cracked you idiot. Are you trying to stay here longer?" Denki looked down, seeing a hand placed on his chest to keep him still. The doctor did say he had to keep still.

Denki breathed out a relieved sigh. He didn't want to stay in that nightmare for any longer, even though if he technically escaped it. "So, you know how you said that there was an angel that like, controls portals?" Denki asked, rubbing the tiredness away. 

Hitoshi sighed, moving his hand from Denki's chest. "It's the portal realm, and I'm aware of what I say" Hitoshi answered, the words of what Neito had spoken to him were annoyingly stuck in his head as he tried to listen to the blond that was Infront of him. "Are there other realms?" Denki asked.

"Fire realm, water realm, planet realm, star realm, Color realm, dream realm, daydream realm" Hitoshi listed off. Denki perked up at the mention of 'dream realm'. Hitoshi sighed once more, brushing his fingers through his hair as he did so. "You were in the dream realm. Weren't you" He spoke, his voice sounding bland and showed no emotion whatsoever.

Denki looked to the side, a smile fighting to not show. "Maybe" Denki answered quickly, as a bright smile made its presence known. Hitoshi rubbed his temples as he realized how easy yet more difficult his job had gotten now. With Lois on his case, he wasn't too sure on what to do. He couldn't just not tell Denki who he was. That would cause the blond to panic, and make people think he was mental!

And it's like Lois could punish Hitoshi. Denki was able to see Hitoshi, and Hitoshi had to protect Denki. "How come you didn't tell me that?" Denki suddenly questioned. "You never asked" Hitoshi scoffed. Denki looked at him unamused, but he should have expected such answer.

The sun rose, letting it shine through the once dark sky. "How come whenever I wake up, I see you staring at me" Yet again, another sudden question from Denki Kaminari himself. "What else do you want me to do?" Hitoshi asked, an eyebrow raising. "Not stare at me like a creep when I wake up" Denki spoke with a chuckle.

Hitoshi only rolled his eyes, keeping the small smile that tried to appear to make more of a frown more than anything. Denki tried to hold in his laughter, seeing Hitoshi try not to smile was funny to the blond. Though the problem with laughing, was the fact it hurt his ribs. 

The silence in the room was rather comforting in a way. It was better than being in a hospital room, alone with his thoughts. That sounded awful, and Denki didn't like being alone unless he had a distraction. Plus, he feels like he might as well go insane for being alone with his thoughts for so long.

"I have a question" Denki spoke. "How surprising" Hitoshi said sarcastically. Denki only gave him a look of 'wow ok' before speaking the words he so desired to speak. "If you can get hurt, can you die?" He asked, though Hitoshi did not wish to answer the Blond's question. 

"Well, not really. We all end up ok" Hitoshi answered, his voice laced with a simple lie that rolled off his tongue, with what seemed to be ease. Denki was in thought, thinking about the answer Hitoshi gave him before nodding slowly. "I guess that makes sense" He started but paused for a moment to really think about it. "In way..." He mumbled.

"Man, guardian angels, angels and all of that is so interesting but confusing" Denki said. Hitoshi only shrugged, not knowing on how it felt to be confused about where he so 'lived'. "Were confused about humans?" Denki seemed to have more and more questions the more he seemed to think.

"It was easy to figure out" Hitoshi said with a slight smirk, knowing Denki wished things were as simple to learn. Hitoshi's smirk quickly faded as he thought back about Lois, on how she could just take Denki's life and make the time go quicker.

But for a leader. Lois was rather bad at keeping track of somethings that were more important than some guardian angel.

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