Love is sick

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"You can't cut the string?" The portal realm keeper asked the love realm keeper, who stood with an unamused look upon his face at the mention of such crime he would never commit with love like this.

The portal realm keeper wasn't the only one there. A guard angel and guardian angel trainer. It was a strange sight, but he didn't ask questions. "And why would I do that?" He spoke, raising an eyebrow. The guard angel was impatient, tapping his foot on the ground as he stared at the string with frustration.

"If it's not cut, there's a chance of death happening." The guardian angel trainer spoke, seeming to think of different possibility's. His eyes weirded the love realm keeper out. "People's lives' are not my problem. What is my problem is how they love. It's not my fault Lois despises the two." He said, pulling on the red string that connected the two, it only got stronger the more days flew by. 

"But what happens if the human, Denki Kaminari, doesn't die from fate. And if the Guardian angel, Hitoshi Shinsou, die's, he'll be stuck in the black void that is warned to them." The portal realm keeper told, her eyes showed worry, like a mother's fear and worry perhaps.

"If they die, it's a pity. But it is not my fault that a little guardian decided to have feelings." He said, showing his irritation. "But-" The other realm keeper tried to speak, but was cut off. "Love is like a sickness. Once it starts, it can not stop until someone decides to break it. Once a single spark of love happens, the strings can not stop, and if a human sees the spark, they can't help but grow sick and ill with the poison."   

The love realm keeper spoke with his own venomous words that made the room feel thick with tension, but the other realm keeper was determined. With a pleading look, she spoke. "Can you at least try? No one want's this to go out of hand. It will affect all of us if it does." Her voice was soft and willing, her dark brown hair barley blew from the soft like breeze that passed the room.

The love realm keeper couldn't help but groan. "Fine, fine. Let me go grab my scissors. Don't touch anything!" He said while walking away. He did not want to stare at the happy expression the portal realm keeper would give him.

Once he returned, he had golden scissors in his hand. The middle had a red heart. He's had to use these things quite few times unfortunately. Humans truly loved being toxic it seemed. He opened the scissors, making sure the sharpest part would hit the string. When it snapped closed, the string did not detach.

"I told you, I can't break it, and I wouldn't if I could. But, there's your example on why I couldn't even if I wished too." He told while all three of them looked at the string, almost seeming fascinated but frustrated at the fail.

"I need to get back on shift." The guard angel told, and with a wave of a hand, she sent both of the angels back to where they needed to be, leaving the two realm keepers alone. "What?" The love ream keeper spoke first, raising a brow as his heart shaped eyes looked at the other with confusion on why she still stayed herself.

"Can you keep me updated?" She asked. The question was innocent, and the other realm keeper couldn't help but feel as though he could not deny her request. She was the reason he didn't die after all. The war was centuries ago, but it never ended.

"Fine. But don't think I'll update you on every single detail." He told, crossing his arms with the scissors still in hand. "I'll update you on big changes. Like yesterday. The human is starting to get ill, perse." The love realm keeper told, picking at a nail. The other realm keeper only nodded.

"Thank you." Was the last thing she said before falling in her own portal. He always wondered if making portals tired her out, though, he assumes it doesn't sense that was her main purpose.


Snoring. Snoring was the main sound in the common room. Everyone was sleeping out in the common area. It was miracle some of them actually fell asleep. 

Denki, Ashido, and Midoriya were the last standing during the night. Instead of it being night, it turned into early morning. Hitoshi thinks of the night's events, trying to tell Denki to get some rest, but the blond paid no attention to him, instead, he was far too focused on trying to make a large cup tower made out of the many plastic cups that they had found.

 Ashido and Midoriya were cheering him on, Midoriya handing him cups with his working arm. His cast had many small, silly drawling's on it by now. Most of which were Halloween, but now it was officially November. Exactly two months until another year would speed through like a bullet train waiting to zoom on it's tracks.

Hitoshi tried, and failed at his attempts at making the blond fall asleep, but apparently, bets come first. 

Denki decided it was great idea to bet that he would last until the sun came into view from the dark sky, and the other took on the bet as well. Whoever lasted the longest, won. Midoriya was the first one down, leaving the two most hyper one's. Then again, it was unfair to Midoriya considering some of his energy was tossed to the side to help heal the broken bone that was slowly healing.

Leaving Ashido and Denki awake night, the two ended up laughing at each other's gibberish, or, at least that's all Hitoshi heard from the two, seeming to get more and more confused at what could possibly be so funny at such hour, though, the hour of the morning was probably the reason they laughed till their stomachs hurt and their breathing became uneven.

Though, the miracle had happened. The two settled down on the floor, Denki having a pillow below his head. They both looked beyond tired, but Ashido insisted on painting the Blond's nails, giving him the pattern of yellow and black to match his notable hair. 

Unknowingly, Denki fell for Ashido's trick, letting the blond get all comfortable and relaxed while she kept her mind focused on painting his nails and watching his eyes drop close. It was fair played, Hitoshi would have to say, though that could be because of how he wanted the blond to fall into the trance of sleep.

Two Am was not the ideal time, but they were all lucky it was the weekend, and they could all sleep in so they wouldn't become zombie's the in the morning. Which is where they were all left now. Some on the floor, some in sleeping bags, and some on the couches. Some in pajamas, while others still wore a costume, even if it were uncomfortable.

Hitoshi watched as people woke up, one at a time, sometimes waking up someone else to hang out with. Morning, turned into late morning, and that's when Denki woke up, costume still on and his hair a mess with drool on his chin.

He sat up, eyes wandering about, seeming to try and think about what happened the night prior. With a shrug, he met eyes with Hitoshi. "Good morning." His voice was barley above a whisper, but Hitoshi was able to hear sense he sat right next to him. "Good morning." Hitoshi said back, only glancing an eye at the tired blond.

"Good morning Kaminari. I will recommend you take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes. Your costume was not meant for sleep wear." Iida spoke, Infront of Denki. Iida was already up and ready to go, while Denki looked like a mess. He felt like a mess. With a nod, Denki stands.

"Breakfast is being made for everyone, if your fast enough, you can make it to breakfast with the rest of our peers." Iida added, going back towards the kitchen where Denki could see a few of his classmates cooking and chatting.

Only a few others were still asleep. It was no surprise that Ashido was still asleep. Denki didn't move from his spot he stood though. He seemed to decide that his freshly painted nails were far more interesting to look at, but it didn't take long for the blond to start dragging his feet towards his dorm, a yawn escaping his lips.

Denki's shower wasn't the fastest, but it woke him up. His hair was still wet even when he kept trying to dry it with his now soaked towel. Hitoshi isn't sure how, or what weird magic this is, but the zig-zagged shape that decorated his hair always stayed, even when brushed. Not even Denki seems to know how it stays.

The atmosphere around them was comfortable. Somehow, it was comforting. Nothing bad happened during the day, nothing put anyone in a bad mood. It was safe. And to Hitoshi, the feeling feels foreign.

Safe, is a feeling he didn't think he needed.   

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