A human with eyes of seeing me

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Tw: Puking scene

The morning came quickly as time ticked away. Leaving seconds as just another spec of a memory.

The human's room was more of a wreck then Hitoshi realized. Pencils, pens, highlighters and such were scattered around the room as well as finished homework that used to be in a thin stack and small things that decorated the blond's room was also found a place on the floor or just simply knocked over.

Though Hitoshi felt a small pang of guilt, he held no motivation to move from the place next to blond who he held safely in his arms that he had claimed. Hitoshi doesn't even remember moving much, but at some point during the cold night he had fallen asleep. Though when he awoke, he played the memory of what happened with Lois over and over until he got sick of it.

His eyes remained closed, though his mind was still aware of every little sound and movement. The bags that hung just below his eyes felt heavy while his body felt stiff and slow. He wouldn't have fallen asleep that night if his body wasn't so suddenly exhausted, as he waited for the blond to open his eyes.

At times, Hitoshi found himself muttering to himself. He'd speak of his time training and his time when Denki could not see him. He didn't know why he started speaking to himself once more, as he did it few times when Denki's mind blocked his sight of Hitoshi. But his muttering and mumbling was letting his mind rest and not rush for the time being.

All thoughts that occupied the guardian angel's head was interrupted by the blaring alarm. Hitoshi stretched his arm as he turned off the loud noise that suddenly filled such a quiet room. With a click of a button, it thankfully stopped the noise, though it left his head feel a beating throb.

With a sigh that left his lips, he looked down at the human who slept so soundly. His golden hair was a wreck it seemed, but in the eyes of one who loves, it looked adorable in every way, though the drool that wetted his sleeve was the main thing that he disliked while he held the blond close.

Denki didn't need nor have to know what had happened. Maybe Hitoshi should, but he didn't need him to fight a battle he never asked for. A battle that was caused by the guardian angel who was supposed to protect him. The words played in his head regularly. Freely even.

A shaky hand, without a small thought, snaked its way into the golden, messy hair that Hitoshi couldn't help but admire as time ticked by them both, leaving a moment that happened just a second ago, turn into a memory that could mean nothing but everything.

His hand brushed through the human's hair, his hand's, gentle, not wishing to tug at his hair and wake him. He twirled a finger to curl a small strand of Denki's hair, though the curl just caused the strand to look wavy, like a small wave in a calming beach.

The room was silent, making his ears sensitive to any noise that came from the room, though there was barley a noise to begin with.

Closing his eyes, Hitoshi took a breath and let himself relax. His body felt like a bag of bones and flesh with how heavy he felt with his eyes that begged for sleep, though they never were given such a luxury that so many seemed to get. An example was cuddled up right next to him.

A small shift came from the blond and caused Hitoshi to snap his gaze on his face, seeing as how Denki's face was scrunched while his eyes threatened to open.

A surge of sudden panic ran through Hitoshi in a matter of a second, though whatever muscle he had gained, ached and felt worn with a sudden pang of tiredness. Such setbacks couldn't do, Hitoshi didn't have an excuse, a lie to tell the far too trusting teen who saw the guardian angel as someone he could trust, though in reality, he didn't know half of what is happening. Though, Denki shouldn't know anything to begin with.

Using an arm, he pushed himself up, feeling the strain as his veins popped, the blue-Ish type color seeming to pop with his pale hand that struggled to stay in place.

His position would make anyone think he were about to do a push up with the way he placed his other hand on the other side of Denki, though his legs were nowhere near the correct position they should be if his goal was to do a push up.

Trying to find the strength and will power in his legs had suddenly stopped, as even the guardian angel's breathing came to a sudden halt at the sudden golden eyes that were once hidden were coming into view.

Denki blinked few times, eyes adjusting as his mind started like a broken car engine that would work sooner than later the more someone were to twist the key. Each time he blinked was like another twist of a key.

His mind was set on a usual routine he tended to do on weekend day's such as this one. He'd look at the clock, see if it was late enough to get up, and then he'd get up and get ready for whatever adventure he'd conjure up for the day, even if said adventure was beating another level on a video game. 

His eyes were not able to look upon the ticking clock though, an arm was blocking any view of it. Another blink and two pairs of eyes looked at each other, one pair tired and the other seemed to be filled with some sort of panic, though if someone were to look at their appearance's, they wouldn't guess Denki was the tired one.

"Am I missing somethin?" Denki's voice only held exhaustion from the previous PE class he had to do, much to his distaste. 

"No." Hitoshi told, a quick and bland response really, but Denki paid no mind to it as he decided to rug his eyes as a way to wake himself up more, though waking up more let him realize the position the two were in.

Hitoshi was on top of him.

The thought was enough to set a dusting of blush to come to his face, but the scene caused his face and ears to feel a burn, though not one of embarrassment. 

The thought of Hitoshi slowly going down closer to his face until the two lips were on each other, a kiss nonetheless, but a sloppy one at that. Although, such a scene was only imaginary, and matter fact, the chances of said scene actually happening seemed low with the way Hitoshi didn't wish to call Denki his friend more than half of the time.

With a grunt, Hitoshi hoisted himself up, his balance failing him as he wobbled for a few seconds to long. The sight almost looked as though Hitoshi were about to fall down into the mess he proclaimed as his room, though the questions of how it got so messy never left his mouth.

Denki sat up quickly, though that didn't help anything with the way his stomach spined like a washing machine on a full speed on mission to wash his organs. The sudden feeling of nausea hit him like a truck on a freeway as his face paled.

A knock on the door was left no answer or call that was ok to come in, though whoever was behind the door was left to hear the sounds of Denki rushing out of his bed and into the bathroom, Hitoshi painfully ignoring his legs begged for him to stop as he rushed to the blond's side.

Whatever the blond had eaten the other day was coming up as the grossly smelling contents of puke that fallen into the toilet that was luckily opened in time. 

"Kaminari? You alright-" The person who was behind the door knocking once had opened the door, revealing the familiar face of Kirishima.

The red head heard the sound of Denki throwing whatever he possibly could and was met to see it. "Crap man, I'll go get Mr. Aizawa!" Kirishima's words stumbled out as he rushed out, leaving the door open. On purpose or on accident, the two would never know unless asked.

"Shit." Denki mutter, though a coughing fit interrupted him if he were trying to say anything more. Hitoshi crouched down, carefully moving Denki's hair in attempt to help in a situation they both could never really control.

The of Denki's throat burned while his tongue tasted the disgusting sour like taste of puke, his facial expression often twisting into one of disgust each time he would have a single pause before he gagged once more.

Denki would have to remember to thank Hitoshi for setting his cold hand on the back of his neck weather it were on purpose or not.

The dorm door creaked, and the tired teacher appeared with black hair down as it always was as he wore his usual all black clothing as he made his way towards his student, making eye contact with Hitoshi, causing the guardian angel to stare back, seeming panicked.

He could see Hitoshi. But he wasn't an angel nor god. he was human

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