Laughter is the cure of all worry

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To say that Hitoshi just had anxiety was an understatement. He felt beyond anxious and there was no way in hell Denki didn't see that, and it was obvious Denki knew so by just looking at him and Hitoshi was not too fond about that fact.

It was the next day, tough instead of the sun shining the dark, grey clouds poured rain down, but not a sound of thunder made its presence known. "Are you ever going to tell me why you so" Denki started, his words trailing off as he thought of the next words to say. "Hyper aware of everything?" he said, not knowing if those were the right words he was looking for.

Hitoshi just shook his head, not at Denki's question but at himself. He didn't know what to do or say in this situation. The things that have been happening as a guardian angel were things that both of his trainers had said were either impossible or it never came to be an issue.

How fortunate was he to have to go through this and not know what to do. He was just scared at this point. Scared of whoever that was to hurt Denki. Lois knew that Denki could see him, Hitoshi had already figured before he was even told.

But of course, Hitoshi didn't need to tell Denki that. Denki was a human who had to stress over grades and fawn over his crush's, not one that had to worry about something he wasn't even supposed to know about. 

"Hey, you haven't been answering any of my questions man. What's the matter? Yesterday you wouldn't go of my shoulders until I fell asleep!" Denki said, his voice seeming raise the more he spoke. The Blond's expression was one Hitoshi could barely even read.

"You just started looking relaxed yesterday at the cafe. What made you, all" the blond spoke, motioning his hands towards Hitoshi as he dragged out the word 'all'. That caused a groan from Hitoshi as a return to Denki's words.

Denki just made a noise of defeat, his voice cracked while doing so which made his voice sound more pitched than it actually was. "Please, just say something to me" Denki said, practically pleading at this point as he was desperate to find out what had the other so tense.

But Hitoshi refused to keep telling Denki these types of things. It's not like he had to. So, Hitoshi did the first thing to come to mind. He used one of his wings as if it were a small wall, blocking Denki's view of his face, all the way to above his knee.

"Oh, come on" Denki said, his tone sounding unamused as the situation was nothing but amusing. Maybe Hitoshi found it a bit amusing, but that was between him and himself.

The blond complained, but only for so long. He became suspiciously quiet. He couldn't have gone into the bathroom or left his dorm room. Both of the doors would have creaked open or shut, it seemed nearly impossible that they didn't.

He couldn't help but lower his wings, just slightly for his eyes to peak. He found himself standing on the tip of his toes, just so he didn't move his wing too much. His deep, purple eyes searched the place he saw Denki last, which was on his bed where he had sat. Though he was not in sight.

He let his wing fold behind his back like it usually was, anxiety starting to set in his stomach. The first mistake Hitoshi made was not looking behind himself, instead, he looked where he could see from where he stood as his anxiety grew into a worry.

The sound a chair squeaking and the sound of a giggle caught Hitoshi's attention rather quickly. He whipped his head around, looking behind himself, only to see Denki leap onto him from where he stood of his desk chair.

The sudden weight made Hitoshi grunt as his arms quickly caught Denki so he wouldn't fall onto the floor, which would have been unfortunate. While Hitoshi held around his ribcage, the Blonds' feet just levitating off the ground as his arms were just left to be limp.

Hitoshi gave Denki an annoyed, unamused expression while Denki looked to be quite amused as he had giant smile plastered on his face. He even had the audacity to laugh. "Don't do that" Hitoshi said as though it were a warning.

Denki's laughter just got louder. "The look on your face when you tried to catch me in time!" Denki spoke quickly so his own laughing wouldn't interrupt him, letting his head flop onto Hitoshi's chest as tears were falling down his face.

"Oh, shut it" Hitoshi mumbled, Denki earning an eyeroll from the guardian. It seemed like the more he talked, the more the blond laughed as he kept thinking about it. Hitoshi sighed, walking- well, it seemed more like waddling in a way as he got closer to Denki's bed, tossing him on it.

Denki flopped onto his bed, the small scream that interrupted his laughter got interrupted by his face hitting his bed, his hair just blocking his vision. He laid there, for a good minuet at that before he adjusted himself to a sitting position.

Hitoshi, on the other hand would apparently like it better if he got his small revenge. With his arms crossed, his wing slight stretched out, his eyes on the blond. As soon as Denki made it to a sitting position, he was hit with a feathery wing, that wacked him back onto his back.

"Petty much?" Denki said with a pout. Hitoshi couldn't help but laugh. His fear from earlier was only on the back of his mind as he was distracted by the sudden burst of laughter that he couldn't hold in. Who knows if he's ever laughed this much before.

Of course, Denki looked at Hitoshi in some sort of surprised expression, not expecting the sudden outburst of laughter. The only signs Denki has seen when it came to laughter and Hitoshi was the small scoff or chuckle, he gave. This was a nice sight to see in the Blonds opinion.

Hitoshi's laugh was more of gasp for air as he would aggressively breath in and out of his nose in between laughs, while Denki laughed till he couldn't possibly breath, forcing himself to take that big breath of air as his laughing continued. 

Their laughing calmed, leaving the two to smile at each other. Though their nice moment was interrupted with a knock at the door, an aggressive one at that. "Hey! Dunce face! Get your ass down here! You've been in your shitty dorm all day!" Bakugou's gruff yell made its presence known.

Hitoshi and Denki were just lying in his bed, looking at the ceiling and sometimes smile at each other for no given reason. But when Bakugou yelled at the door they both looked over at the door at same time. "Why should I leave!?" Denki yelled his question, waiting for the answer.

"I made fucking dinner!" Bakugou said in all of his aggressive fashion. "Oh, come on Bakugou. You know we'll come down whenever dinner his ready" Ojiro said, making his presence known as well as he could be heard walking past Denki's dorm door.

After an angry mumble, Bakugou made his way to go back to the common area. Denki chuckled, getting up and stretching his arms as he made his way to the door to go over and eat dinner. They both didn't realize the time that had passed.

Denki, with Hitoshi who followed by him, though no one would even know. Everyone was sitting down, an empty chair for Denki to sit while there was a bowl of what seemed to be curry. Uraraka gave him a nice smile as she waved him over.

"Bakugou made us all some curry. He didn't make it spicy this time" she said while she took a bite, seeming to be in heaven with the delicious meal she was blessed with. Denki sat next to her, his own smile tugging at his lips.

And so, he ate the curry. Listening to Uraraka talk to him about she's done today while he would feel his face get hot at time, only to blame it on the steaming curry while Hitoshi watched from not that far at all.

He felt a strange pit in his stomach, one that was not anxiety, fear, worry or dread. One that he wasn't too sure on what it was. But it clicked when he realized that each time he saw Denki blush at Uraraka, he felt that feeling.

The feeling of jealousy.

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