Thorns indicate heartbreak

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Tw: Descriptions of injury/pain (Not a big injury)

"What should I wear?"

"What your wearing?"

"Is a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants really good for the occasion?"


Denki scoffed, with a small eyeroll. He held a small pink rose in his hand, being careful of the thorns, pacing in his dorm, and thinking of the words he should say. His thoughts were like a racing car, though sadly half the time he could not catch up with such fast car.

Hitoshi simply watched. He honestly didn't know what advice to give, he's never been in this situation, nor was he prepared to be. Though, he should have saw it coming if he were being honest.

"Stop staring at me stalker." Denki said, a small pout on his lips. Hitoshi mentally sighed at the nickname that Denki decided to give him, no matter how many times he's told him otherwise.

"I'm pretty sure anyone would look at the person Infront of them pacing." Hitoshi spoke, with an expression only to be described as unamused. 

"Should I go through with this?"


"You suck at reassuring people, you know that?"

Hitoshi only gave him a look. A look that said the words of 'What do you think?' Denki groaned, hitting his head with his knuckles. Not hard, but Hitoshi didn't like when he did that. Hitoshi stood up from where he sat on Denki's bed.

"We gunna go or what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the blond who just stared at him. "What do I say though? Do I go with something flirty, or just blunt?" Denki asked, trying to fix his hair a bit. "Why not just mix the two. You've asked me that two other times."

"And you didn't answer." He complained. "I already told you; I don't know what to say." Hitoshi told, for the who knows how many times. Completely ignoring Hitoshi, Denki suddenly perked up and went towards his desk, grabbing a pen.

"You're going to stain your skin." Hitoshi warned, though he didn't put much effort into stopping the blond. "Well, it won't stain forever." Denki said with a small shrug, writing what Hitoshi considered his confession.

"Ok! I'm ready." He announced, tossing the pen to the side, picking the rose back up that he had to put down when writing. If he didn't Hitoshi would make him. The guardian angel was only able to look at his hand for a second, only to see the crappy writing of the blond.

And so, the two left his dorm, making their way down to the common room. Bakugou was starting to prepare dinner while Sero talked about something how Bakugou will chop his hand off with how fast he chopped, while Bakugou grumbled.

Sero took notice of Denki and gave him a small wave. "Hey, do you know where Uraraka is?" Denki asked, looking over at what Bakugou was making, but he couldn't think of what it could be at said moment. "She's outside, taking a walk around campus with-" Sero answered, but was interrupted.

"Thanks!" And there he went, leaving the dorm building to try and find what he might consider the love of his life if he were lucky.

Who knew luck was so hard to find.

The outside weather was still cold, maybe a bit colder considering the sun was starting to come down which made the sky a nice orange color that many admired. The warmth of the sun let Denki be less cold on his search to find the one and only Ochaco Uraraka.

Hitoshi only glanced around. He still looked, but maybe not as much as he should be. It wasn't to his surprise though. All Hitoshi hoped for was that it wasn't one of those confessions that Hitoshi watched Denki watch where they both like each other and kiss in the moonlight or some weird shit.

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