Corrupted system

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Small note: This is something I had made up. This isn't something that I had took from something else. This is entirely something my brain had come up with this for this Au

In the lands that are unknown to mankind, where the gate of soul's lays, and the city of angels and Guardian angels are. No one knows where it is, as it looks rather bright but looks like earth, but cleaner.

Angels have different jobs. Some are meant to train guardian angels so they can protect generations of humans. Though angels do look human, they have their differences. Just like guardian angels, they are different from angels and humans, as angels are far more powerful than humans. Guardians aren't as powerful.

 Of course, angels' jobs are harder, maybe not as hard as guardians, but still rather difficult. 

Angels have eyes as white as the clouds. They do have a pupil, but it may be hard to spot considering the light shade of whatever color it may be. Their wings can be smaller or larger than guardians, depending on what they may need them for.

But like everything, it all starts with a leader. Lois, in which means in Greek. Great, the best, and superior. A goddess that created the system to protect the humans who would yet remain clueless of their existence.

Lois was the one to get her fallowers to train guardian angels so each and every human will remain less injured from the dark beast they think is fictional. Like said before, angels have different jobs they must do.

Some are just guards, who may guard around to make sure things are in order, or they have special job. Some angels have realms. Toughs' realms may be keeping other Universes away from the one they are in. 

Lois was a leader no doubt, but let's just say some angels secretly are against her. The angel who controlled the realm of portals, one of Lois guards, and someone who trained guardian angels. There were only three, but they could get things done.


"WHAT!?" Lois yelled in disbelief. "It is true. The guardian we speak of had to assign himself. As the boy's original guardian angel had been fed up with how reckless and clueless the human seemed to be. From what we can tell Denki Kaminari had been in a car accident, causing the part in the brain to practically be destroyed" Lois assistant, Daedalus, meaning smart worker. Had informed.

The guard listened from not too far away. Gaining the information that wasn't meant to be heard from such ears as the guard himself. The armor guards wore, wasn't the kind you may see a knight in shining armor wear. It was a material that seemed like silk, but firm as well.

He held a sword by its handle, the sharp end being on the ground below. He was assigned to stay near the doors opening, giving the guard a perfect opportunity to listen in.

"Who is the guardian angels name?" Lois asked, her voice filling with some kind of hatred. "Hitoshi Shinsou" Daedalus answered with no hesitation. A scoff could be heard in the room before the speaking began once more. 

"So, he's the one who corrupted the system. The one that has been working for centuries" She spoke with annoyance. "I think I have a rather cleaver Idea to make sure this problem will be fixed and won't happen again" Lois told. The guard could tell she was smirking by the tone of her voice.

The room suddenly became quiet. Not a word could be heard until the doors had opened. The guard turned around, seeing Lois and Daedalus. Daedalus had black curly hair, his wings being smaller than most.

Lois hair was blond, practically seeming white. Her eyes had a rather bright navy-blue pupil. Her wings were larger than anyone ever. She wore an armor like dress as she sat.

"Your allowed to leave" She commanded the guard. He bowed before walking away from the spot he was told to guard till now. As the guard left the building, he put his sword in it's held cover that was connected to his belt.

His hair blond hair blew in the nice feeling wind. He had one mission, and that was to tell the information he had gotten. He stretched his wings, letting them flap just once till he took flight.

He flew above the building and guardian angels in training and such. It was easy to spot one of the people who held the secret of disliking the goddess who had created the system. He gave a signal, telling the guardian trainer to come to the portal realm.

The guard saw a nod before doing one finale swoop with his wings, giving him a blast of speed. The portal realm wasn't too far from where he was, but he wished to get there sooner than later. It was a meaning of no time when the so-called guard was already at the portal realm.

The angel of the portal realm looked over at the blond headed guard, her brown hair in a tight but loose bun. "Did something happen Neito?" She asked in a low voice, keeping quiet just in case. Neito nodded as they heard the guardian angel trainer swoop in.

"You made me up and leave my students. I made them so confused" he said with a laugh. His eyes were more different than any other angel. "Ah, Mirio. I'm glad you were able to come" She spoke with a chuckle.

"So, what happened?" Mirio asked. The angel and Mirio waited for the blond headed guard to speak and answer what they had come for. Neito cleared his throat before speaking the answer.

"The system has been corrupted. By Hitoshi Shinsou" 

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