He's a stalker, he's a lover

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It was dark, though he wasn't sure if his eyes were even open. His head hurt, the ache in his head spreading throughout his skull.

It seemed to be out of nowhere when he felt a sudden chill run down his spine like someone throwing a bucket of cold water on to, though he was not wet. Not a single drop of water on him. "Welcome." He heard someone say, which made him realize he was not closing his eyes once he blinked. Though, once he did blink, his surroundings completely changed. 

"What?" His voice rasped out. He wasn't sure why his voice sounded like that, he knew that's not how he truly sounded. His voice was not that raspy and rough, sounding as though he hasn't spoken for a while. He cleared his throat, hoping it would clear it from the raspiness that took it over.

"Welcome. My name is Angelo. You've come to Lois's kingdom where we help humans down in earth. There are three different roles you can get. Guard angels help protect Lois. Every night you would need to help do a spell that helps her forces, though, I don't think I'm supposed to tell you such thing..." The person who spoke told, seeming to be in thought of what he should have said, even if it were already too late.

"Forget I said that." A small pause. "Anyway's, a guardian angel protects the humans on earth. It's their job to protect humans as much as possible. Humans are reckless. You could also end up as a guardian angel trainer, they train the guardian angels for seven years, then the guardian gets assigned to protect someone."

The other nodded, but the man who had first spoken, held out a scroll. Hitoshi eyed it with suspicion, but grabbed it, nonetheless. It took him a moment to open it as he looked it over. His eyes felt tired and part of him was confused on why he was here. 

He assumes this was just his purpose. His life purpose in the scroll. It seemed simple, yet at the same time, terrifying. With a breath, he opened it, feeling the eyes of the other man who stood just in front of him, his pale green hair looked similar to a cloud with how light and fluffy it was, but Hitoshi made his own mental note on the man's scar just on his jaw, it running to his lip.

Looking down at the scroll, it took him a moment to get focus on it. His vision blurred for a moment at the words, but soon it became focused. And there on the paper, it told him his purpose.

He was meant to be a guardian angel. He supposes. 


"Hey Kami, my best friend, my platonic soulmate, my-" Ashido spoke, but the weird, confused look Denki gave her, told her to drop the act. And she gratefully did. "So, it's been a week sense I've mentioned that little mystery man of yours and I think I should keep investigating." She told.

Denki groaned, slouching his shoulders to show her how much he dreaded it, but the dramatics did nothing but motivate her. "I think, you should stop investigating sense there is no mystery man." Denki seemed to insist, but Ashido shook her head, dismissing his so called truths.

"Hun, you need to realize I'm just tryna help. Your little crush is obvious with the way you get all weird and defensive whenever I mention him." Ashido pointed out, which the fact was correct, just not for the reason she seemed to hope for. "It's not a crush, I don't even like anyone right now." The blond tried to convince, he really did, but whatever he said to deny, Ashido took it as a lie.

The two friends walked through the halls, other students passing by them. Maybe few of them listened to the conversation while others simply ignored it. Ashido and Denki were just another voice in the loud, echoing halls of the school that they walked upon, other friends and classmates talking amongst themselves until the bell rung once more for all of them to usure back to class.

Denki made his way to his locker, Ashido's wasn't too far from his. They paused their conversation for the time being, grabbing what supplies they so needed for their next class that would happen far too soon.

Denki's locker was probably the most organized compared to his room. His room wasn't the worst off, but definitely not the best. School books were in line on one of the few small shelves that were provided inside, though, they tended to fall quite often whenever he grabbed one of them.

He grabbed his English book, the other book beside it falling hopelessly. He looked behind him to see Hitoshi, who leaned on another locker that was next to Denki's. Hitoshi didn't look any different, but his eyebags got darker from what the blond could recall, that is. The guardian's angels wings were always tucked behind his back, making Denki wonder if they ever got tired of holding the position for so long.

With a slam of his locker door, Denki went back to his pink haired friend, who touched up her make up in the small mirror she had inside the door. She was careful of her eye while applying the eyeliner she had in hand. It went on her skin smoothly while her eyes stayed focused on the small task.

"I'm surprised you didn't go look for Sero or someone." She said, putting the lid of the eyeliner back on with a small clicking like noise. "But I'm glad you didn't! I have questions." Ashido ignored how Denki regretted his choices by taking a small step back, while she slung an arm around his neck to keep him close to her. Their height difference wasn't by much, but it still had Ashido just a few inches shorter than the blond. 

"So, my first question. Why, whenever I mention this guy, do you look behind you or beside you?" She asked, but a thought crossed her mind that made her lean into his ear, concern in her voice. "Are you getting threatened? Is he stalking you?" The whisper in Denki's ear made him snort. Ashido leaned back a bit, seeming relieved once he laughed.

Giving in, Denki answered. "Not threat, that's for sure. But maybe a stalker." He joked. "If someone does, you know who to call." Denki glanced at his friend, who held a fist up like she was ready to beat someone's ass, though, she probably was.

Hitoshi walked just behind the two as the two started whispering to each other, sharing a laugh here and there. Hitoshi wondered what the other said to the other, but he knew he wouldn't ask. Hitoshi had questions in mind most of the time, but he never found himself actually asking the questions he held in his mind.

"Ah, Ashido and Kaminari. I advise you head to class before the bell rings." Iida spoke, walking passed the two to head to the class room. Denki watched the taller teen walk forward with a sigh. "He expects so much from us." The blond told while Ashido nodded.

It only took a few minutes for the bell to ring, and the two made their way to the class room Iida was already at. Other students speed walked passed them not wanting to be late. Denki couldn't blame them for bumping into his shoulder, he'd be the same way if his next class was farther. 

A small chime came from Ashido's phone, making her look at it almost immediately. Denki kept leading her with her arm still linked around his shoulder, but after a moment, she let go and typed. "I gotta go find Yaomomo, see at class!" And then she was off, not caring about the no running rule as she dashed off.

Fewer student were in the hall, Denki not far from his class until he heard a small noise. "What?" He heard Hitoshi ask, but he simply ignored him and walked towards the small sound. Tucked away in a corner, was a small, grey cat that eyed Denki right when he saw him, ready to fight. "Why is there a cat in school?" Denki asked, looking at the other who stood right beside him.

The smaller cat hissed when Denki reached out a hand, making Denki flinch away once it tried to swing a clawed hand at him. "Don't piss it off." Hitoshi warned, kneeling down next to the blond. He reached a hand out, though the cat did not try to bite or scratch, but it sniffed his hand, considering the other who showed a small, kind gesture.

Denki's jaw dropped once the cat leaned into Hitoshi's touch. The small, soft smile on Hitoshi's lips caught Denki's gaze, and a small smile came to his own face. It was nice to see Hitoshi's smile. Even when it was small, it was genuine.

He was late for class. And for once, he did not care.  

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