The repeated day's fly by

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The weekend was here, and it was rather bland. Denki was fast asleep, his parents at work once again. During the night Hitoshi had to deal with Denki struggling with schoolwork. Hitoshi didn't blame him for struggling, he just knew an easier way to do the schoolwork, and he didn't know how to give some kind of him about it.

Tho, now it was past nine am and Denki was still asleep. Hitoshi had stopped alarm before it could wake him as he saw his sleep levels were getting lower. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing Hitoshi to rush towards the door, to see if Denki needed to wake up or not.

At the door were the three people Denki thought he could trust and was to blind to realize that he shouldn't. There knocking got louder and louder and could possibly wake Denki. Ranger started barking rapidly causing Denki to wake up making Hitoshi sigh in annoyance. Denki came out of his room. His hair messy, eyes tired and pajamas wrinkled. Denki groaned before trying to open the door, but Hitoshi held the door closed, giving the illusion that the door was stuck shut.

"What the fuck..." Denki mumbled under his breath. Denki wasn't able to put his full strength into opening the door as his Rist was still broken and in a cast, making it twice as easy for Hitoshi. But Denki struggled opening the door, making him frustrated at the fact it wasn't opening like it should.  

Sooner or later, Denki had given up. But that didn't stop Denki from never seeing his 'friends' ever again. 


The days repeated themselves. Hitoshi trying to keep Denki away from the three and a long night of schoolwork struggles. Denki had found him painting on his bedroom walls once. He didn't have any paper, but he wanted to paint something, and that something was painted on his wall. Now Denki's 'friends' weren't the only thing that was danger towards him. There was much more than that.

Denki painted. One cup filled with the water he can drink, and the cup filled with paint water. Hitoshi having to slide the right cup into his hands. Denki almost getting hit with a car multicable times, Getting chased by cops without being seen because of his 'friends', Almost drowning, slipping on ice, stabbed with a thumbtack, wacked in the head with a book, banging head on the desk a little too hard, forgetting to drink water when it's hot, bit by a snake, stung by wasp, getting bad fevers, beat up, stubbing his toe, food poisoning, hung upside down for to long, falling out a tree more than once, burned hand from toast, causing a fire because he can't cook, breaking his finger, getting used, and bug bites. Yet there was more.

Hitoshi felt more tired each day. The now fifteen-year-old Denki stayed oblivious to what happened before him while Hitoshi had to deal with knowing. 

Oh, how fun it's going to be.

A/N: Sorry this is a short chapter! I promise stuff will get good after a few more chapters, that's why there was a big-time skip. Hope you enjoyed!

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