Third eye moon

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Denki jerked up from his slumber. He let his breath go as it was held for a second. It was still night. Night was something that went by so quickly when you fell asleep, but the night sky was something beautiful that Denki liked to paint.

Now, for Denki. The night meant something else to him now that he meant Hitoshi. Unless Hitoshi was just a hallucination. But whenever he looked out the window to see the night sky, it made him think of when he noticed Hitoshi just standing there, looking at the dark blue sky that he was looking at as well.

"It's only two in the morning. You should try and gets some more sleep" a voice told. Denki looked over and couldn't help the small smile that graced onto his lips.

The blond was going to say something, but Hitoshi had to say something before it affected anything else. "I'm sorry" they were stupid words, but he didn't know what else to say. 

He wasn't wrong, yet he wasn't right. Hitoshi realized that and wasn't so happy with himself. But Denki isn't even supposed to see him nor hear him, so he was never trained to interact with a human. 

Even though he was taught how humans can feel, act, and what may harm them. He wasn't told about how you must speak to them. But why would you? You shouldn't have to talk to a human till there dead, and that's only to bring them to the gate of souls.

Denki didn't say anything though. He didn't know what words would go together and he didn't want to say something that wasn't quite how he felt. But Hitoshi did have point, he can't lie on that. He thought about his words. He shouldn't get so distracted by a girl he met almost three weeks ago.

But he was just human, and he couldn't control how he felt. It seemed like Hitoshi couldn't control his emotions either. He seemed so human like, but he also didn't. How weird and confusing. 

"I know thoughts are conflicting. I'm quite well aware of how the human brain works" Hitoshi said. Taking a breath before continuing. "You don't have to say anything. I'm pretty sure I came off as rude and, uh. Offended you" he said. He sounded disappointed. But not at Denki. At himself.

Denki got more comfortable. Laying back down and looking at Hitoshi who sat on the floor where his bed was. Using it as a backrest. His wings glowed in the moonlight that barley shined into his dorm room, but as his wings faded into a black, it seemed to gloom with darkness.

"Is there a night realm?" Denki asked. It was random to say, but it changed the atmosphere in the room to a more calming silence then uncomfortable and stiff.

"Well, no. There's a moon one though" Hitoshi said to answer the Blond's question. Denki was far from tired at the moment and would much rather have another random conversation with Hitoshi then think about how rude or how rude he seemed with his words and tone in voice.

"What are they like?" Denki was interested by the thought of realm keepers, so why not know more about it? "Well, he's divorced with the sun realm keeper. There not people you want to really hang out with" He informed.

 Denki chuckled at Hitoshi's tone that seemed annoyed, as if he had to deal with them himself. "From what I've heard he's still in love" Hitoshi said with an eyeroll Denki could not see, but it was there.


The moon realm keeper watched the scene unfold. Wherever the moon shined, he could see. And lucky for him, he shined it in a perfect spot. He didn't care if the human could see his own guardian angel. It didn't have anything to do with him, so why shall he care?

But what bugged the moon realm keeper the most. Is the fact that this little guardian angel talked about him as if he didn't do anything good with his life. 

But what caught his eye was the way the human shined, and the guardian angel loomed. They might as well be the sun and the moon considering humans often thought the sun had to be someone who was outgoing and energetic. 

The sun was much more different. The sun realm keeper fit his own personality rather well. They both had more of a sassy side to them and would be petty quite easily. But the Sun and moon realm keepers didn't work well together after some time.

Now whenever they see each other. It's filled with small, petty little arguments. How interesting. He thought as he saw just how quickly their bond with each other became good again after talking nonsense with each other.

He wasn't too sure on may have happened during the day but seemed like the night always held something interesting.

Not to mention he's heard...rumors. Rumors about something upsetting Lois. How stupid to think that this is probably it. But he might as well keep this a secret just for himself to know unless another realm keeper did.

The moon realm keep's lips tugged into a knowing smirk. He has a feeling something will happen to these two. It may be good, but it could be bad. Fate plays out some way or another. Not even Lois can stop fates path.

His silver, barley ruffled hair blew from the small wind that came as he flapped his white, glitter dusted wings as he took flight. He gave himself a mission, and only he could know about such task.

The moon seemed to shine brighter on Hitoshi and Denki. But it seemed like no own knew the moon, could be used as a third eye. 

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