The happiness of a guardian angel and a human is sickening

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The next day, after school, was a rather dreading time for Denki Kaminari (Again)

"Kaminari, dude, what's up with you." Ah yes, Sero. The person who said things how they were. Which Denki both appreciated and did not depending on the day and mood.

Currently, Denki was in the common room, Ranger laying on the rug that was below Denki, who laid on the couch, watching the blank Tv screen that had nothing on. And Hitoshi thought this would make him feel better. But the moping blond told him otherwise.

"I'm just watching." Denki told, which made Sero look uninterested in a single word he spoke. "There's nothing on, unless you're imagining a show." He started. "What's gotten you so down lately? Ashido even said you met someone new. Unless they were a jackass." Sero said, seeming as though he would prepare to fight someone.

Denki chuckled at that, glancing at Hitoshi who pretended as if he weren't paying attention, even if the look upon his face told a different story. "No, that's not it." He started, a small smile on his face. "I just- I don't wanna talk about it." He tried, sighing in defeat as he decided to keep his thoughts where they belong. In his mind.

"Well if you don't wanna talk about it, you could at least take your mind off it." Sero suggested. And though Denki has been trying, he thought it would probably be better if he tried to take his mind off it with someone else. Hitoshi suggested it, so it would probably help.

Denki sat up, Ranger wagging his tail at Sero as he patted the dog's head. The two friends sat together, the raven-haired teen decided to turn on a comedy movie, knowing from the other times that the blond enjoyed such a film.

Hitoshi leaned on the side of the couch, near Denki who rested his chin on his palm. Sero sat near his friend, though keeping a small distance as the blond tended to adjust quite a bit, though Sero couldn't blame him as he found himself doing the same at times.

Of course, throughout the film the two friends laughed and fun of some of the acting and effects. 

It were times like these that Hitoshi wished he were just human, or that Denki just couldn't see him. Part of him envied those who could hang out with Denki and let the blond talk about them. Like a normal person. But none of this was normal. 

He honestly wished for Denki to be freed from such burden of keeping a helpless secret. But at the same time, he was stupidly selfish.


The love realm keeper smiled, though, it was much more of a grin.

He couldn't believe his eyes! He didn't need to connect the strings at all! The smallest string, thin as ever connected the two. The realm keeper would have to thank the guardian angel for doing the work for him considering he was the one who held tight to it.

"Love realm keeper!" Lois called out, looking upon all of the strings that practically seemed tangled as they hung from the ceiling though you couldn't see the ceiling, it was far to fogged up there. "Lois! What a lovely surprise. Though, I will say, just being called realm keeper is really starting to get confusing." He stated with a shrug.

"I just have a question-" She started, giving up once her sentence was cut off. "If you're asking about the little dynamic I've created, let me just tell you. I'm not changing it, and it's not like I could if I wanted to. Unless your blind, you can clearly see the attachment." He stated, pointing at the thin thread that held the two together.

Lois examined it. She didn't understand it. It was already bad that the human could see his guardian angel, but the fact guardian angel was falling in love just made this whole situation helpless. 

But she cannot lie, it did make things interesting, and it most definitely wasn't something she would have ever expected. Though she was surprised Daedalus didn't think of this outcome...He was the one who usually told which guardian angels would work and which wouldn't.

So, after the so called 'visit' with the love realm keeper (Who didn't really want her there. Saying she would mess up his focus on the greatest love story.) Lois went to Daedalus, now that she thought about it, she wished to ask her dear friend.

There was no surprise that he was reading something. Someone's life book she thought. He kept reading the same book, though when she asked what human he decided to take such an interest to, he always ran around the question.

"You're reading the same book?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in question. He closed the book as soon as he heard her voice. She eyed him suspiciously. "No, it's a- It's a different one." Daedalus spoke as an awkward silence came over them.

Daedalus cleared his throat. "Is there something you wish from me?" He spoke, though his tone had some type of bitterness that almost made Lois flinch. She shrugged, shaking her head and letting the question go.

Something was wrong.

"Is something... bothering you, perhaps?" She asked, her shoulders seeming to tense and her large wings barley covering her shoulders as if to make her seem smaller, though she was taller than Daedalus when standing.

"No." It was a bland response, and the silence became unbearably uncomfortable as she shifted in her heeled boots as she found her shoes much more interesting. She only let her guard down when Daedalus was around. He was a trusted friend of hers.

"I think I found a solution for the issue." Lois told, perking up a bit, hoping to get some type of reaction. "Alright." Was all he said, and Lois stood, trying to not just snap and ask what was wrong. Because clearly, something was not right.

But no words came out of her throat. "I'll go work on that then." She announced, turning around and leaving the room. She knew Daedalus heard her, yet he chose not to speak and she guesses that's what got her to crack as she felt her eyes to well up.

The past couple of days, maybe weeks? Daedalus has been distancing himself from her, reading some humans life which only frustrated her. What made humans so much more interesting apart from her? His best friend. Was she his best friend?

Shaking her head, she tried to shake the thought, though it clung to her mind like poison seeping into one's system.

She walked through the hall. Her heeled boots hitting the marbled floors. Everything was too quiet. She slammed the door to her own corridors, feeling like she was a child again. She hated with a burning passion.

Why did a foolish human and guardian angel seem to have such happiness while she suffered for decades to come?

She couldn't be weak.

Not again.

Not ever.


It was late at night, and no one was in the dorm common room. Everyone who decided to join in watching the movie left. Luckily, Uraraka did not come down to join, but surprisingly Bakugou did. Which Denki and Sero teased him for.

Denki had a nice distraction, and he was far happier than he was before. Though during third movie they watched, Denki fell asleep.

Hitoshi waited till everyone was gone to their own dorm before he went to pick the sleeping blond. He couldn't help the way his heart decided to flutter at how Denki shifted slightly in his arms to wrap his arms around his neck, his head laying on Hitoshi's shoulder, burring his face deeper into the crook of his neck.

Ranger fallowed, even if the dog seemed to be grumbling in protest in moving but fallowed the two anyway. Ranger was happy that Denki could see Hitoshi now, considering before, he was quite obvious of the other person who did the same job as he did.

"Where you taking me..." Denki asked, his voice slurring as he was barley awake which caused a small chuckle from Hitoshi, making Denki vibrate from the rumble of a laugh. "To your dorm, now be quiet idiot." Hitoshi told. Who knows if Denki even heard him as he was lured back to sleep.

Honestly, Hitoshi couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips.

But that was just between him and himself.

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