It's hard to protect.

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Tw: Mention of injury's and being in a car accident. 

Aika was at the hospital when he heard at what happened to her son and husband. She has been worried sick to say the least. Haruki was up and she was told he would fine after a couple more days. But Haruki and Aika both stressed about their money situation.

Today was the day Aika was told Denki woke up and was doing just fine. The doctor that had been the main one checking Denki came into Haruki's hospital room, where Aika has been sleeping and talking to her husband. She would visit Denki, but he was still knocked out from the crash.

The doctor had faded, light blue hair, it had some gray strains and such, his eyes being a light purple as well. He wore the usual doctor attire, a friendly smile on his face as he held a clip board that had the information that he needed to tell Denki's parents.

"Hello. I have wonderful news! Your son is awake and seems to be doing rather well. I'm here to go over all of the injury's and how long he'll be having to stay here" Doctor Chiba spoke, his caring smile never leaving his lips. Aika nodded, holding her husband's hand as she was sitting next to the hospital bed he's been laying on.

"Well, as I've said before his head is damaged. He's going to have a few scars and such but nothing too bad. A couple of his ribs are cracked, but not broken. Considering his condition, he'll have to stay longer than you do, but not too much longer." He explained.

"Can I go see him?" Aika asked, seeming eager to go see her son. Doctor Chiba nodded, knowing how it felt as he had kids of his own who were all grown up at this point. Aika got up from the chair, about to rush over to Denki's hospital room, but was stopped by her husband who kept his grip.

"Make sure he knows I'm alright" Haruki told Aika. She nodded, giving him a quick kiss before walking past the Doctor in a rushed manner.

Denki's hospital room wasn't too far from Haruki's, it only being a few doors down. Her footsteps could be heard on the tiled floor as she practically ran to the door. Aika didn't care if her hair was a complete mess, or the fact that she hasn't been able to sleep well. She just opened the door and ran towards the bed her son was.

The room was practically the same as the one Haruki was in, it having a chair next to the bed. Aika sat at the chair. Denki was sat up, the bed being like a chair in a way. She cupped her sons' cheeks as tears began to well up in her eyes.

He had cuts on his cheeks, his head was bandaged up, but a part of it was slightly stained with blood. "You, ok? I'm so sorry this happened to you. Your fathers is alright though" Aika spoke quickly but clear as tears started to slowly stream down her face.

When she heard Denki could have died, she became an instant wreck. Who was she kidding, she has been one since she was told what happened! Not to mention, Haruki's ankle was broken, and he too looked absolutely beaten up from the crash.

"I'm fine mom" Denki tried to reassure, bit Aika only shook her head sternly. "Don't you use that stupid excuse Denki Kaminari! You were just in a car crash! Your hurt, your scared! So don't you dare use that excuse on me" Aika said sternly, but her voice cracked a few times as she was truly scared for her family.

They held eye contact for what seemed like forever, but in reality, it was only a minuet before Aika hugged Denki. It was a nice hug, one that Aika needed the most. 


Aika left after having a conversation with Denki about how long he'd be there and such. It was quite weird having someone just stare at you while you have to pretend, they don't exist because no one else can see them. 

"How is that not boring to you?" Denki asked Hitoshi. He still seemed to have questions no matter what, but Hitoshi would have to if he were being honest. "You just get used to it I suppose" Hitoshi answered with a shrug. 

"Don't you get lonely?" The question was simple, but Hitoshi didn't want to answer. He did get lonely, but if he told him that, would he think he let Denki get into a car crash because he was being selfish? He probably wouldn't, but it's a possibility.

"No" Hitoshi said plainly, not giving the blond much emotion as he didn't want to make Denki think he did. Denki nodded, satisfied with the simple answers he had gotten. He could see why Hitoshi got used to certain things, as he was told they were trained for a while before they went out and became a guardian angel.

"Am I hard to protect?" Denki asked, it had a simple answer. Yes. But Hitoshi didn't need to burst the blonds bubble and make him think that he was a pain to deal with. Witch he was, in a way. But it wasn't something Hitoshi couldn't handle.

"No, well... Everyone is hard to protect" Hitoshi answered and stated. "That makes sense" Denki said, seeming to be talking to himself more than anything. "I'm sorry for always getting into trouble" Denki randomly spoke, his tone was sadder than it had been before.

"Everyone gets into trouble. I'm getting into trouble because I told you all of this information" Hitoshi told, seeing as Denki nodded. 

Everyone is hard to protect, and sometimes you can't protect that person from every danger.

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