Let's put that frown upside down!

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Important A/N! I made a discord server for this fanfic! For those who want to join, don't hesitate! I'd love to see you there, just be nice with one another and hope to see you there! 

The link: https://discord.gg/wpBWHrrw


That's the grade Denki got on the test.

He was just grateful that he didn't get an F. It wasn't the worst grade, but it seemed to taunt him the more he looked at it.

With a sigh, he put it in his backpack and decided it would be a decent day to go outside to eat lunch. So, with a sandwich in hand he made his way to the outside area where you could eat lunch. No one was really outside because it was a colder day. But a little cold wind wasn't going to ruin Denki's time!

It did.

"Just go inside. Your school uniform isn't for being in this cold weather." Hitoshi told. So what if the wind was cold, and made him shiver, he was going to eat his sandwich, outside, alone, but not really alone.

"I don't care. I tried to ask Uraraka out five times during the weekend and I failed! And I failed the test. I'm bound to be a failure." Denki complained, laying on the grass, taking a rather big bite of his sandwich.

"Kami! There you are!" Ashido yelled out, making her way towards the defeated blond, who didn't even look over as he ate his depressing sandwich. The pink haired girl sat next to him. Hitoshi assumed she already ate considering she had no food with her, unless she was hoping to get Kaminari inside.

"Sup." The blond said, his voice was slightly muffled from the food he still had in his mouth. "Wacha doing out here? It's pretty cold. I wouldn't be to surprised if the wind brought rain clouds." She said, looking up at the sky before looking back down at her friend.

"I just wanted some fresh air." He answers truthfully. Ashido thinks for a moment, humming in acknowledgement of Denki's words. "Is it because of the test?" She wasn't far off; she was just missing the part where Denki had a crush and decided to 'chicken out' when he tried to ask her out.

"Ya." That's all Denki said, taking another bite of his sandwich. The sandwich wasn't from lunch rush, yet Denki wasn't the one who made such a sandwich that he thought tasted like the best sandwich he's ever had. Though, he wasn't 100% sure what his mind told him was fully true.

"I'm sure you'll get the test. Don't get yourself up because of it." She said, with a resurging smile that wasn't too resurging to Denki. "If it makes you feel better, Sero gunna stay at the dorms for a bit! His parents are going away for some boring work thing." Ashido tells, making Denki's eyes have a small glint of excitement.

"Just don't have too much fun without me and Kirishima." She said, half teasing. That caused a chuckle from Denki. "I don't even get how the dorm rules work anymore." Denki starts. "At this point I feel like anyone could show up and it would be fine." 

"Well, usually you have to have a decent reason, unless if it's like, staying at a friend's dorm for a night." Ashido says, seeming to try and think of what was said a bit ago, considering she looked back on those rules to make sure it would be fine if she ambushed Denki's dorm, though, it would be funny if she did that to Bakugou.

"Sero's reason is all because his parents don't want him to stay at home alone. Scared of kidnappers, I think it was." She told with a snap of her fingers now that she remembered.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to have extra fun without you and Kiri." Denki said with a smirk while Ashido gasped in fake offense. The two couldn't help but laugh at their little display. Even Hitoshi couldn't help but tug of his lips seeing the blond in a happier mood.

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