The truth won't concern those who don't know

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The same weekend of Shota seeing this so called, Hitoshi Shinsou, was the same weekend he would have to face his husband.

When Shota had arrived home, his daughter was delighted to see him, though Hizashi gave him a stern but concerned look on his face.

Shota had stayed at the dorms a little longer than he should have. When driving home, there was traffic, making it take longer then needed. Now, he was finally home again but it almost time for dinner.

Of course, Eri didn't seem to mind the delay of being able to spend time with him, as she rambled about the day she had with Hizashi at a park, even telling a story of how she made a new friend.

Seeing Eri though, it opened a possibility to Shota.

The small girl had a scar on her forehead. From what him and Hizashi knew, it was from her other caregiver before the two showed up after he was arrested for child abuse. Sick basterd. Though, he wondered if she could see some type of being like Shinsou. 

Though Shota didn't need to bring it up to her. It may freak her out if she didn't know what he was talking about. She was already scared of her closet.

It was almost a relief that he didn't have to talk to Hizashi right when he had arrived home, but that didn't calm his stresses. Eri had plenty to talk about, but there was only so long till she had to go to bed and sleep till the next day came.

Which was where he was now.

With Eri tucked in and practically asleep, her eyes hardly open when she mumbled a small "Goodnight" with a yawn. As cute as the sight was, there was tension that lingered in the room, making the air seem thicker than it was.

Tonight was not going to be a peaceful night. Then again, it was rare for it to be a peaceful night with how much Shota woke up during the nightly hours, regardless of how tired his eyes were.


"You've been gone sense this morning! You can't just expect me not to worry." Hizashi spoke in a hushed yell. The two were in the kitchen and Shota was making a simple cup of coffee to drown away some of his tiredness.

If he's gunna end up awake all night, he might as well be able to spend the night doing something useful for once.

"I told you; he was just running a high fever and I grew concerned." He told Hizashi about the blonds fever, but he was in no rush to start telling him about Shinsou. He might as well want to sound like a total mental case if he did. Shota already found it possible that sleep finally was catching up to him and his own paranoia got the better of him.

"You're acting as if you weren't there for hours!" His husband was not one to control the volume of his own voice, especially when stressed. "Hizashi, I told you the situation, that's all that happened." Shota didn't like the way the lie rolled off his tongue so easily Hizashi looked so convinced.

He'd tell him later, on a different day. He helplessly told himself. What day and what time? Shota couldn't answer nor figure out, as the thought of it all gave him a headache.

Silence lingered in the kitchen. Shota was leaned on the counter as the coffee machine got rid of the silence. Hizashi stood, arms crossed as he too, leaned on the counter, though it faced Shota instead of facing the same way as him, so he couldn't look straight and not look at his husband.

At last, Hizashi spoke up. "I can always check on the little listener tomorrow." Hizashi offered, brow raised as he awaited for Shota to speak.

Shota stood silently. Eyebrows furrowed in his own train of thought as he tried to come up with a response. 

Shota needed to keep a close on the so called, guardian angel, but he didn't wish to worry husband once more. But what choice did he have? He barely got himself to leave the 1-A dormitory from his own suspicions of Shinsou. But Shinsou seemed to be only a stranger to him and not Kaminari. He'd like to hope that his gut feeling of that being right was correct.

"It's fine." Shota muttered, catching his husband's attention in an instant. "You have that thing you were gunna do any way with your radio show." Shota told, ignoring the small beep the coffee machine made when the coffee was done and ready for him to consume.

Hizashi still rose a brow though, seemingly to question Shota by just a stare. With a sigh, he spoke once more. "I'll take Eri somewhere to make up for today. If anything, his classmates will keep an eye on him. I wouldn't doubt they wouldn't." Shota's voice came out calm, though another lie simply slipped out.

Shota was a good liar as a teen, which was dangerous nonetheless. He couldn't help but find himself lying a little, even as a grown ass adult.

Hizashi smiled softly, as a more comfortable silence washed over the room. The tension in Shota's shoulders didn't falter, only relaxed in the smallest way possible. Shota knew he would end up sore later on.

The two leaned in, lips meeting each other for only a second. Hizashi gave a smile before heading off to there bedroom, leaving Shota to get his coffee and do who knows what.

Shota waited a few minutes until he could be sure that Hizashi was gone before he let out a sigh. Turning around, he grabbed a mug and poured his desired amount of coffee. Which was a full cup.

He sipped the hot beverage as it still steamed though it didn't burn his mouth. The silence was quiet, to quiet for his own liking. He was often surrounded by loud chaos, especially once he became a teacher. Kids these days were wild. Unless he just got lucky and got the weirdest batch of kids to enroll in his class.

Kaminari was never really a big deal, honestly. At times he questions his own decisions of letting the bright blond headed boy to join, regardless of knowing his struggles. Though thinking about agreeing to let one of the other students join just gave him a headache as he thought of the entitled children. 

At least he could pick one student to join his class. 

And sadly, Kaminari was the student he went with. And now he was roped in a situation no one else was ever aware of.

He knew Nemuri would ask him about when he saw her again on Monday, but it wasn't his story to tell. It would be Shinsou and Kaminari's decision to make in the end, regardless of anyone protesting otherwise.

The bitter coffee against his tongue felt all too similar to Shota, though the bitterness distracted himself from his own thoughts.

Maybe for once he would be kept awake at night from the thoughts of the new found stressful situation he practically put himself in, instead of being kept awake from the empty void that met him every night when he wished for slumber to catch him.

Putting his coffee mug down, he let a barely audible sigh leave his lips. 

He needed to grad the kid's papers again.

A sudden pressure could be felt, just above his ankle. Looking down, he saw the cat he found in school grounds a bit ago. The small, grey cat had caught his attention, and he couldn't stop himself from picking it up and bringing it home. Eri excitement was worth the way the cat had clawed his arm.

The cat was now known as Bara, much to Eri's liking, as she was the one who named her. 

The cat purred with delight, making Shota huff in some type of amusement. Cat's have always interested him, even at a young age. Shota crouched down to pet the cat's head. Bara rubbed her head against his hand, seeming to feel comforted by the simple gesture.

He hoped that when he awoke in the dead of night, this would just be one big dream.

(Who remembers the cat?)

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