It's the puking for me

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Tw: Description of puking that I wrote out of experience.

"My name is Oboro Shirakumo. Looks like I'm your new guardian angel trainer" He told with a friendly smile and a hand held out for the soon to be guardian angel to take.

Hitoshi only nodded and shook his head. "I already know your situation, but I'll make sure you get out there!" Another nod came from Hitoshi. His other guardian trainer gave up on him and he wasn't even allowed to get assigned.

"Look, as much as it sucks, at least you know you'll be smarter than everyone else, right?" He tried to lift up his spirits but at the time Hitoshi didn't focus on himself. He kept his face blank and made sure to stand tall.


Hitoshi sat in the same classroom type of room that he learned in. At this point he despised it. Didn't like to look at it because it made him think too deeply. All in all, he wasn't too fond on having to learn things he already knew.

A future guardian angel rose her hand. "Can a guardian angel get sick?" she asked. Hitoshi has been over this and couldn't help to be slightly annoyed and irritated about it. He already knew the answer, but he couldn't help but listen to what the guardian angel trainer had to say as a response.

The blue haired trainer shook his head, "Our immune system is stronger than humans. There's not much of an explanation on why" he tells. The guardian angel's mouth opens a gap as she nods, practically making a silent 'oh'.

Another hand went up, the guy who was in front of Hitoshi. The guy was one of the many people who pointed out that he wasn't assigned when he was supposed to. He always seemed to point out every flaw Hitoshi knew he had but if he were being honest with himself, it was probably because he now knew others easily saw the flaws he tried to hide.

"But what is a guardian angel did get sick?" Hitoshi couldn't help but scoff. They should be asking important questions, not useless ones. "Well...Then the human that you would be protecting would probably get very sick. Deathly sick, depending."

A few shuddered at the thought. Most guardian angels reminded themselves that the human they protect will die one day, so when it happens it won't be too hard or out of the blue. Sadly, guardian angels in training always started out with the hate of thinking about such thought.


When Denki felt a few taps on his shoulder he couldn't help but flinch in surprise at the sudden contact. Golden eyes met with the deep purple, tired one's that were once fast asleep on his bed. Now, his eyes lidded, his hair, messier than ever. The sight was amusing.

"You doin alright man?" Denki was the first to say anything, breaking the silence that filled the room for a while for Denki as he struggled to do his homework. The blond didn't get a response right away though, which only caused his small smile he held on his face to falter into one with slight concern.

Hitoshi's eyebrows pinched together. The look on his face made it seem like he didn't even know what he was doing. His eyes weren't focused on anything until he looked at Denki's desk ad finally decided to speak. "How are you...doing anything with stuff...everywhere" he asked, his voice was kind of out of breath.

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