Mysterious Stranger

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A/N: I have planning to write this chapter since the middle of November in 2022. And for those who don't know. I wrote this in March 31ist 2023. I hope you enjoy this chapter bc I'm so excited to get the ball rolling for this! 

Tw: Slight mention in being in a car accident.  

Yellow eyes slowly opened. The room around him wasn't bright, nor was it pitch black. The boy moved slightly, yet it caused pain to strike him like lighting. His head hurt the most out of anything, it pounded and ached, more than it ever had before.

His whole body felt sore. Some parts of his body felt so sore it was painful. He wished he could just close his eyes and pretend he felt no pain, but the pillow he laid his head on felt so uncomfortable, he couldn't even pretend to try and go back to sleep.

Denki suddenly remembered the events that had happened. There was a crash, and he had felt his head get slammed against something. But how he was hurt wasn't his main concern. Was his father ok? Was he knocked out for a while? These questions filled the Blond's mind.

He laid there thinking the thoughts in his mind, turning on his side. He winced a bit at the pain it brought him to move. He laid his head on his hand that was on the pillow, as his hand was cold and felt nice against his aching head.

The hospital room was cold, and the blankets were thin. Denki shivered here and there at how cold he felt, but his bandaged head seemed to enjoy the cooling air. Looking out the window from the bed he laid on was nice. The stars scattered the sky as the moon shined through the window. He was hooked up to things, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Who knows what time of night it was, the main thing Denki could stare at was the figure that stood, looking out the window.

Denki stared in 'aw' at the figure. Who knew who he was, but he looked rather magical to the blond. His pale skin shined and glowed in the moonlight. Purple messy hair that seemed to go everywhere at once. The main thing that had caught his eye, was the wings that seemed to be rather large. It being white but fading to black at the very tips.

Was he dead? Who knows, his main concern was to get to know whoever this was. His dark purple eyes looked as pretty as the night sky. He looked like a perfect portrait painting. His skin so smooth, his wings looked so soft, and his hair looked as if it were blowing in the peaceful wind yet stayed so still.

The clothing he wore seemed to be made out of silk, but it looked so firm at the same time. But Denki couldn't keep looking the large wings. They looked so real as they folded behind the person who stood not too far away from the blond.

Of course, Denki tried to think on what to say to him. He could have said anything, like a 'hi' or something, but sadly, Denki had a question to ask. "Am I dead?" His voice was slight hoarse from not talking for who knows how long. 

The purple haired boy whipped his head around, only glancing at Denki before looking around the room. "There's no in here" Denki started, before thinking about what he said for moment. "I'd like to think so..." He mumbled to himself.

The, what seemed to be an angel. Looked at Denki, eyes wide. Denki only gave him a confused expression, not knowing why the stranger would look so freaked out over someone who is beat up. "Are you speaking to me? Can you.... See me?" His voice was deep, kind of gruff in a way, but it sounded soothing.

"Ya, why wouldn't I?" Again, Denki was confused. Who even was this guy? "Shit..." He heard the stranger mumble to himself. Suddenly, the purple haired stranger came up to him, crouching next to the hospital bed. He examined the injury on the Blond's head, though it was covered by bandages, it seemed like he was figuring something out.

"God damnit" Another mumble came from the stranger. What was even going on? Did Denki do something? Denki cleared his throat so his voice wouldn't come out all wacked out. "My name is Denki Kaminari. Who ar-" Denki started but coughed from his dry throat. "Who are you? And why do you have wings?" Denki questioned.

"Hitoshi Shinsou.." He sighed out. The stranger, now known as Hitoshi sighed. He was freaking out inside. 

One of the first things you learn with being a guardian angel, is that humans have a part in their brain that naturally blocks them from sight. And yes, humans can damage that part of their brain, but it hasn't happened before. It was impossible for a human to see their guardian. It was unheard of!

Yes, people have seen sightings of guardian angels. But that's just because they have a minor injury, it's not like other people will see them, so it just makes the person look crazy or something. 

But for some, inconvenient reason, Denki either got hit so hard it destroyed that part of his brain, or he was only going to see Hitoshi for certain amount of time. It all depended on the human. But Hitoshi had a feeling Denki wouldn't be able to not see him anymore.

The part in the humans' brain that blocks guardian angels is rather small, but very effective. It's located by their temple, which is where Denki's head had slammed. Now, it isn't easy to destroy that part of the brain, but it doesn't mean it's not a possibility.

  But of course, Hitoshi now had to explain this information to Denki. Now Denki wasn't the best at paying attention, and who knows how he would react knowing no one else could see Hitoshi but him, and the fact that Hitoshi practically has to fallow him wherever he goes. 

First things first. Hitoshi couldn't start talking about it now. The boy was sore and injured! He needed as much rest as possible, and considering it's only one in the morning, Denki would end up feeling tired in no time.

But where to begin? Now that was the real question.

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