Rest in peace, though I rest with none

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A/N! So sorry for the delay! March had became weirdly busy but I think I get some type of rhythm now! 

Denki had become eerily quiet. With a tap on Hitoshi's wing, he had whipped around to see the blonds conflicted expression. Eyebrows furrowed as he stared at Hitoshi with distrust. It twinged at his heart, though nothing ever really stopped him from being right at Denki's side, who's feet wabbled.

Aizawa and Hitoshi's bickering never really stopped, maybe for a minute or two, but no matter what Aizawa did or say it had Hitoshi on edge. Hitoshi would often mumble a rude remark, hoping it would pursue the older man on leaving.

Little did Hitoshi know, Aizawa has dealt with a series of people who are far ruder than some rebellious edgy teenager bullshit he hears almost daily. Might as well be what he's being paid for monthly.

Regardless of Hitoshi's remarks and Aizawa's glares or small comments. It didn't stop Hitoshi from dealing with an upset Denki who tried pushing him away multiple times. It gave Aizawa a reason to question Hitoshi or just give him a raised eyebrow in suspicion.

Denki's small pushes were weak and didn't affect the grip Hitoshi had on him to keep him steady. Denki mumbled a thing or two that Hitoshi could actually understand. Half of it seemed to be complaints seeing the world spin.

Hitoshi urged him to sit down. Would be better if he laid down but the blond refused to sit. He ignored the concerned eyes of Hitoshi, who tried to pull him down now that he was closer to his bed. Denki didn't even know where he had concurred the strength to resist the pull downwards, but he did.

He had to many questions that didn't have answers. How long was Aizawa able to see Hitoshi? How was he even able too?  How long did Hitoshi keep it all secret? More in importantly, did he keep any other big secrets.

His head spiraled with questions though he hardly spoke a word. Where to start. What question should he ask first. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out as his thoughts were conflicting.

"Denki, I need you to sit down." Hitoshi's voice came as a whisper, barely audible for Aizawa to understand a single word from the hushed tone. Denki only glanced his way. He looked disoriented.

"I don't want to." He urged, tugging his arm away from Hitoshi's grip. They both ignored Aizawa, who stood with his usual blank expression that masked his own concerns. 

Aizawa knew he couldn't stay for long. He dropped Eri off at Nemuri's. Though, she wasn't a parent for a reason. A good reason at that. He looked to the alarm clock on the boys small worn nightstand. It's already been some time, and he didn't wish to owe the dark haired woman much of anything if it were possible.

Regardless of Denki's protest, Hitoshi pulled him down, putting Denki in a sitting position. He sat next to Denki, keeping a firm arm around him so he wouldn't try and stand back up. The last thing Hitoshi needed was for him to pass out.

"How long could you see him." Denki's voice suddenly came out. His tone was demanding for the answer as his voiced raised. His eyes were tired, though pleading as he looked straight towards his homeroom teacher, who stayed where he stood.

"Few days. Though I advise you get some rest." He told, giving the answer honestly. He held a cold glare towards Hitoshi. A silent warning towards the guardian angel whose eyebrows furrowed and moved just a little closer towards the blond. He gave his own, though smaller, glare towards the older man.

They still held suspicion of each other, but they didn't have any reason to do much about it.

Aizawa hardly seemed to give a shit when it came to it, though wary of the sudden stranger. He didn't see too much of a reason to have to fight the guardian angel, but he'd still do his best to keep a close eye. He had to trust that Denki would come for his aid if something happened. 

Hitoshi, on the other hand, never seemed to like Aizawa. He had no reason to trust him considering he put unnecessary pressure and gave bland advice. Regardless, Hitoshi himself couldn't do much to keep him away sense he was the blond's teacher, but he'd be keeping an eye out if he tried something.

The watched as the man left. You could hear few voices from outside. Maybe they were about to check up on Denki. No one would know sense Aizawa had ushered them away before they could go over towards his dorm, knowing the blond needed the rest.

Hitoshi found himself able to get Denki to lay down far easier. The silence became torture while the air stayed thick.

Not a word was spoken.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Time passed, though Denki never gained rest.

He wished to speak though not a word was spoken. He heard Hitoshi's leg shake up and down in a fast and anxious manner. 

Denki didn't try to hide the fact he was awake, knowing the guardian angel would know regardless. He shuffled and adjusted, watching the wall with little to no interest as the seconds passed like minutes. 

Though sometimes, the seconds felt like minutes.

Hitoshi stared at the clock contently. His mind swarmed like bees when they defended their hive that was attacked.

It was clear Denki was bugged by secrets being held. Hitoshi didn't speak a word though. He is scared of everything becoming worse if he did tell him. Tell him Lois, an all powerful goddess, probably has it out for him, and could use Denki as a target. Tell him how scared he truly was. Tell him how much he longed for him.

How much his heart tugged its way towards him. Constantly.

Hitoshi tugged at his unruly hair. It was a mess. His whole appearance was looking to be one big mess. 

Hair messy. Eye bags darker. Clothes wrinkled. The features of his wings were ruffled. He felt so tired at times. 

He sighed, watching the blond's chest go up and down as he breathed each breath. It was reassuring to see. A reminder that he was ok. He already felt as though he had failed as a guardian angel. Now he feels as though he even failed at friendship.

He picked under his nails while his eyes shifted back towards the alarm clock with it's LED light up numbers, showing the time. He let himself go a little limp in Denki's desk chair, ignoring his bad posture.

His leg didn't stop its anxious movement. Giving away his anxiety that crept up on him when he didn't need it the most.

"I'm sorry." Rasped his voice. It felt scratchy, but no effort was made in making it sound better. All Denki did was move, turning the other way to finally face Hitoshi. Closed eyes and soft snores suddenly filled the rooms quiet noises. Hitoshi couldn't help the small sigh of his own misery that escaped from his lips. At least he's resting.  

Standing up, the chair creaked from the weight being put off of it. Hitoshi walked towards the blond who was now asleep. He slept curled up without a blanket. Goosebumps decorated his skin.

Hitoshi grabbed a blanket that was in his reach and one Denki wasn't laying one. It was a softer blanket, though nothing too thick with his temperature going in different directions constantly. Placing the blanket on Denki's cold form, he looked for a second before walking away once more.

Sitting back on the chair he's been sitting in didn't feel that great. His body ached from it being tense and the lack of movement. He hoped for Denki to get better at least in the next day or two. 

Leaning his head back, he felt the air that came through the vents against his hair as it lightly blew it around. The sun was still out, but the curtains kept the light out for now.

He closed his eyes, breathing slowly. He did not feel at peace, though he felt calmer than what he's been. His eyes were just closed though sleep creeped up. It took control of his conscious, 

So now he slept soundly, though that's bold to assume.

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