Restless sleep and restless feelings that are untold

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Hitoshi never considered himself as the comforting type. Whenever he tried to be a source of comfort, it wouldn't come out correctly and possibly just make the situation worse. Words were a big sense of comfort if someone needed it, and Hitoshi could never be that source Denki needed at times.

Physical affection was another source of comfort. A source of comfort Hitoshi didn't fully know he gave to Denki until he truly thought about it. Maybe it was because of his soft wings that he realized the blond had shown comfort to back when he was stuck in the hospital, but Hitoshi didn't realize the few other reasons.

Another reason why Denki liked the small, but comforting physical affection that the guardian angel gave was considering the fact that he did have a stronger build. Even if it were just a few times, Denki often appreciated when the other put an arm around him in a small way of holding him.

As Hitoshi grew sicker with the poison known as love, his heart fawned over those moments. Clinging onto them like a bug stuck on a spider web. Hitoshi considered himself selfish many times, it was no rare fact, but there was always that part of his mind that told him he deserved to be selfish and lean into the moments, only for him to grow in deeper shit.

Though, his thoughts would have to take a moment and finally take a break once the alarm clock noisily made its blaring noise known. He watched as the blond tried to find the button to shut it off with a groan. Once he did, he sat up, wobbling a bit once he was on his feet.

The teen didn't know why his movements felt sluggish and his mind moved so much slower than it was the other day. His stomach turned and twisted uncomfortably once he got himself out of bed. His muscles ached and his eyes burned at the light he had turned on to give his bedroom more light.

He could feel the lingering eyes of Hitoshi, who stared worriedly at the blond. Denki opened his closet. It was messy, clothes scattered and not in the right place he remembers putting them when he first arrived and unpacked his clothes. Hangers had fallen, some with clothes on them, but he never got himself to put it back and fix it.

He needed his school uniform, probably grab a jacket so he could stay warmer. The weather wasn't the worst this time of year. It got warmer in the afternoon depending on the day, but most of the time the mornings were colder nonetheless.

"Denki, you ok?" The cautious voice rang in Denki's ears, making Denki realize he zoned out in his own world of many thoughts. His hand was still on the closet handle, but he didn't plan on letting go of it. It was nice to hold something in his hand. The once cold door handle turning warm against his own body warmth.

Warm hands made him let go of the handle, maneuvering his hand into the warmer one that he assumed was Hitoshi's. "Ya, I'm ok." His voice sounded weird, distant, seeming to not focus on the words he spoke as he forced himself to blink, his eyes feeling wetter than they had been a second ago. 

"How about you sit down for a minuet?" The question was nice. Soothing, even. Denki complied with nothing but a nod. Hitoshi held his hand in his. Their hands fit nicely together, Hitoshi's long, pale fingers wrapped around his smaller hand, though it wasn't that small compared to Hitoshi's, who's hands seemed just an inch longer then his own.

He led him to sit back on his bed, which always stayed messy. He never got why he had to fix it if it were just going to get messy every night he slept. "You sleep ok?" Was the next question he heard the other say. Hitoshi was calm, though Denki heard the slight worry that fought it's way in his voice.

Denki thought about the question though. Did he? Did he not? He wasn't sure. The night felt like one big space out fest, but he does remember waking up. He supposes he just had a restless sleep. His mind being to active or maybe he moved to much while he tried to get energy for the day that was now today.

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