I shall be consumed in pity while death fallows me

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Daedalus was never one to fond of many people at him all at once. He always kept to himself, but that didn't make him any less polite.

He may wear nicer clothing, but he found the cloths that were stitched together in such way showed his personality. At least, it was what he hoped for, though he was told other things about his apparencies.

Lois was one of the kindest goddesses. She was wronged centuries ago; a century human's didn't exist quite yet. Daedalus couldn't help the ache in his heart when he thought of such troubling times. He was a fool to let her free.

Though the goddess gave him a grand room all to himself, books filled with knowledge of all kinds, he had grown bored from the books he read all that time ago. Lois was filled with too much power. She had to be stopped for the sake of humanity. And yet, he's been making excuses to himself on why he shall never lay a single sharp thing at the woman's heart.

Out on the large balcony, tears brimming him eyes as they burned from the sudden rush of water that came to his eyes. His hand shook at what was held upon it. A dagger. He hid it away many years ago.

But he supposes whatever has been buried must always be dug up.

"I am a fool." He spoke, voice filled with hatred that he never aimed at Lois. How could he? He cursed at the love realm keeper. He always did take whatever opportunity he got at a tragic love story.

With a helpless sigh, he hid the dagger in his pocket of his coat that barley blew with the small breeze. He could not help the few tears that glided their way down his face while his hands still trembled.

The human and the guardian angel would never truly get a break if he didn't do anything soon. Daedalus was not blind, the two were made for each other. Once connected, they could not be separate, unless they wish to live a life of loneliness. A life with no lover, that is.

Few were lucky like that, and maybe he envied those who had such strong love bond. 

"I'm so sorry for loving you my dear." He spoke, but Lois was nowhere to be seen. "I truly am."


Denki's eyes opened. His body ached and yelled at him to stop any movement, but he was never good at listening. His head pounded and he groaned. Everything felt so heavy as it did light.

"Denki." Hitoshi's voice was always calming. It wasn't deep, but it was deeper. He doesn't remember being this calmed by a voice, Hitoshi's voice to be specific, but he didn't complain. "Denki. Hey."  

Hitoshi snapped his fingers to try and gain the blond's attention, though all he was granted was a lazy glance. The worry in Hitoshi's voice rattled in Denki's head as he tried to focus on purple eyes that looked around frantically every few seconds.

Denki laid sluggishly; his whole body still limp even if he was awake while his temperature was just another concern. The yellow eyes that were always wandering and peering were now lazy as they moved slow while he barley spoke a word. 

Hitoshi was no stranger to Denki getting sick, but when it happened, it happened when the blond couldn't see him, not even hear him. Everything felt so new, Hitoshi was a stranger now, a stranger to many things he thought he knew, but everything he thought true was just another false he didn't know he grew to be the victim of such.

"Denki, I need you to try and focus on me." The whine in protest didn't sound like Denki, not his usual self that Hitoshi grew fond too. Denki's eyes closed, squeezing shut to make his protest clear.

Hitoshi sighed, feeling the way his shoulders untensed. How long had they been tense for was just another unanswered questioned that lingered in his head. His eyes lingers on the floor as he sat on the edge of the blonds unkept bed. He'd asked Denki one day about why he couldn't just make his bed, as it is just a simple task. But the blond did not wish to, and that was all he said to the guardian angels question.

The distance between Denki and Hitoshi wasn't much, but the blond was displeased when he opened his eyes to see Hitoshi so close but too far. 

Denki shuffled as he shifted closer to Hitoshi. He paid no attention to the lingering eyes that snapped all their attention onto him. "I don't wanna be sick." Denki mumbled, stopping his movements once he felt the side of Hitoshi's thigh. Hitoshi let out a huff of a laugh, eyes rolling as a smile crept upon his face. "At least you have no school."

Hitoshi felt some sense of pride whenever he was the one to crack that smile that never failed to flutter the butterfly's that were once unmoving. Even if the blond's smile was small. It was something.

There was brief moment of silence. A comfortable one, one that was welcomed. "Can I put the washcloth back on your head?" Hitoshi asked, holding up the wetted cloth that had fallen off and forgotten about as Denki moved in his slumber.

Denki scrunched up his nose, hitting the hand that held the washcloth away from him. Well at least he seems more awake. "You're still burning up Denki. It'll help." Hitoshi insisted, while moving blond hair aside from his forehead to place the cold washcloth that Denki so hated. "I don't want it." Was all Hitoshi was given as the blond covered himself with his blanket.

"Come on, It's just a washcloth." It wasn't very convincing, the way he spoke. It stayed flat and don't gain a single response from the sickened blond.

When a knock came to the door, Denki uncovered himself, looking at the door tiredly. Whoever was at the door tried to come in, the doorknob jiggling at attempt. "Did you lock my door?" Denki asked, tone tired as his eyes squinted from being exposed to the small amount of light that was in his dorm room for the time being.

Hitoshi took the blond not hiding under his blanket as an opportunity. He brushed the blond's hair aside once more, placing the washcloth on his forehead with great success. "Maybe." He muttered in reply.

Denki had a pout on his face for two reasons Hitoshi knew. "Why'd you lock it?" Was the other question asked as Denki rubbed his nose, snot went on his finger, though he didn't seem to care all that much.

"You're resting." Though his answer was true, he locked it so Aizawa wouldn't come in. He didn't want to see that man. Why see someone you don't trust? What good would it do? It never did anything good for Hitoshi.

The silence dragged on. Hitoshi wasn't sure if Denki was trying to remember something or possibly try to look through Hitoshi half lies, whatever he was doing, Hitoshi cleared his throat. "Speaking of resting, that is what you should do. Unless you wish to stay sick that is." Hitoshi told, sitting up.

Something in Denki wanted Hitoshi to stay, wanted him to just sit with him. It was a small wish that he never spoke as he heard his heart in his head. He blamed it on being sick, though his sickness was not the cause of the way his heart tended to beat just a tad faster. He didn't even notice it at times.

Closing his eyes, he ignored the signs. He was never one to catch onto signs to quickly, and maybe it was just better that way.

He had a disease he didn't know about. No human did, but it seemed as though every human felt it. It could be happy, it could be pain, but it's not something you can just throw away.

Love. Love was something you can't ignore forever. 

Unless you wish it to hurt.

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