Spooky talk, spooky thoughts

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"Kami!" Denki quickened his pace, and of course, Hitoshi did so too. "Kami! Stop trying to run from me, it's rude!" Ashidos tells.

Denki loved Ashido. She was cool, a great dancer, and was great to hang with. Denki just didn't want to talk about the 'mystery man' who intentionally fallowed him around all day, everyday. Like a stalker, if you will.

She ran up to him, now walking beside him with a cheeky smile. They were waiting for their next class to start sense English had to be cut short because Midoriya wasn't in class sense he fell down the stairs, breaking an arm. Poor guy was just laying on the floor, waiting. He was lucky their English teacher, Mic, heard him yelling.

Midoriya should be fine now. According to Bakugou, 'the damn nerd always gets fucking injured easily'. So, Denki will take his word for it and assume the green haired boy is fine. 

"I'm not here to talk about your mystery man. Platonic or not." She told. Denki couldn't help but look over at Hitoshi, who seemed too bored to care at this point. He couldn't blame him. "Then what do you want?" Denki asked with fake irritation, adding a pout.

"Halloween is just around the corner!" She beamed. Denki perked up. He new it was October, but he lost track of the days when he became depressed about Uraraka and Midoriya being together. "I didn't know it was coming up so fast." He said truthfully.

"Well, it's gunna be your first Halloween here! Last year everyone was at the dorms in costume, and we had a big party! I bet we'll do it again. It's super fun!" Ashido told, her eyes sparkling with excitement, almost bouncing.

"That does seem super fun!" Denki was starting to get excited, which caused purple eyes to look over. "What are you going to be?" She asked, which caused Denki to think. A gasp. "You don't even have your costume? This is so last minute! I bet all the stores just have crappy costumes." She told, almost scolding the poor blond.

"I lost track of the days!" He whined in small defeat, his pout returning. "I there's something you could use. I know Bakugou has some secret clothing. Most of it is formal, but he gets it from his parents. Thier outfit designers." Ashido rambled on, as she started going off on how him and Bakugou are around the same height, but his clothes might be a bit wider.

The possibilities of costumes were always endless, yet it seemed too always be hard. Denki remembers when he was ten and went trick or treating with his mom. There's been times where hasn't been able to, so it was quite exciting.

That year was dressed as a classic ghost. One where you would put holes in a sheet and put it over your head. It was all super fun, until some of his classmates saw him. The only reason they knew it was him was because of his mom, who was behind him, smiling at Denki who jumped around, trying to give his best ghost impression.

They made fun of him for his poorly made costume. They were lucky they decided to walk off in time, his mom didn't hear anything they said because one of the neighbors saw them and started talking to her. Which left Denki to be by himself.

Honestly, Aika seemed furious when she saw kids run off and saw how her son's shoulders shook, trying to hide under his costume. She wanted Denki to tell her who they were in his class, but he never told.

Of course, that felt like quite bit ago now, but it wasn't the most pleasant thought. Now that he thought about it, most of his thoughts weren't great for the time being. Mostly because he always felt like crying in his dorm room. He hasn't the had the greatest week and half now.

"You could go with something classic. Like vampire, skeleton, ghost, witch, well, wizard for you." Ashido started, listing things off while she counted each one with her fingers. Denki visibly cringed when she said ghost.

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