The two suspicious gay men, and their even more suspicious Child.

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The summer has finally come, and Denki had been hanging out with Kirishima and Ashido. They were much nicer than the 'friends' Denki had made before. Not too long-ago Kirishima wanted to dye his hair red. He was nervous so Ashido had dyed her bangs red while Denki dyed the tips of his hair. 

The main thing Hitoshi had noticed was the fact Denki looked so happy when he was doing dumb things with his two new friends. They didn't ask Denki to do dangerous thing's, all they asked was for him to hang out. Ranger seemed to improve of Kirishima and Ashido as well. 

Hitoshi was in the store with Denki who was told but some grocery's while his parents were at work. It was quite crowded in the store at this hour and Denki seemed overwhelmed. People seemed to be everywhere and pushing Denki aside, which only made him feel in the way.

The list consisted of, Rice, chicken, Ramen, Eggs, Waffles, Milk, Cheese, Ham, Potatoes, Carrots, Strawberrys, Cucumber, Soap, Paper towels, Canned beans, Tomato's, Salad, Frozen pizza, and a little extra money to buy whatever chocolate bar he wished to have.

It wasn't too long of a list, but the only thing Denki had was bread, bread that was being squished in his grip. Hitoshi looked around for a way to get Denki away from the stressful amount of people. Even Hitoshi was stressing out, not trying to hit into anything with the amount of people was a challenge.

Hitoshi was only able to fly above all of the people, keeping track of Denki as he didn't want to lose track of the already stressed-out boy. There was some deal on some item that people want for some unknown reason. Tho Denki nor did Hitoshi till now know this. Hitoshi wouldn't be able to get back down on the ground with the amount of people. Luckily, Denki's hair was noticeable.

Denki was near the coffee, not many people seemed to be over there. He wasn't sure where to go, he wasn't prepared for this. So, he just waited.

"Excuse me kid" A strangers voice said to Denki, making him look over to the stranger. Hitoshi listened and watched carefully. The man looked tired, and as tired as Hitoshi looked, he didn't trust another tired man. The man was clearly an adult, only wearing a pair of pink sweatpants with a black long-sleeved shirt with his long-Ish hair in a bun that looked like he put no effort in. Quite suspicious is you asked Hitoshi.

Denki looked around him, not seeing anywhere he could move without being in the way of others. "Uh, sorry. I don't where I can move" Denki replied truthfully. The man only sighed, just wanting to get more coffee and not being able too. "Just drab that coffee for me" he said sounding tired as ever.

Denki grabbed the coffee. It being the wrong one that the man had pointed to, but he didn't tell Denki that. He could already tell the boy was stressed out with the bread in his hands. The man turned around and walked away. Denki deciding to fallow him, as way to get where he needed too.


Denki was at the Cheak out. He somehow managed to get everything on the list, people seemed to slowly get out of the store making it less stressful for Denki and Hitoshi. Hitoshi somehow was able to get down without kicking someone, it made it a bit easier to keep track of the blond boy.

As the things on the list (Including the candy bar) the scanning noise in the background while Denki waited. "I never told you this. But I didn't come out to my family till you proposed to me!" Someone said. Someone behind Denki that was waiting in line. Both Denki and Hitoshi turned their heads at the exact same time.

Standing behind Denki and Hitoshi, was the same tired man as before but there was also another man that had yellow hair similar to Denki's. The tired stranger from before had a small child that was holding his hand, her hair was white and in a ponytail. Denki quickly turned back around, feeling embarrassed.

The woman who was the cashier took the money Denki had handed her. "Would you like a receipt?" The woman asked kindly. Denki only shook his head no, feeling as though he has taken a while. "Alright, have a nice day!" Denki nodded, saying a quick "You too!" Before grabbing all of the bags with the items that were on the list he was given.

"You sure you want this coffee? You never tried this one before" the blond stranger said. Denki felt stupid at this point. He grabbed the wrong coffee for thar man!? Hitoshi knew he shouldn't have, but he had laughed a little, mainly because of the tired stranger had to deal with a different coffee he had never tried before.

Before Denki could leave the dreadful store, the small girl that was once holding the tired strangers hand, now holding a bag that Denki had forgotten to grab. "You forgot this" she said looking up at Denki. "Thanks!" He said grabbing the bag from the small girl.

The little girl was about to walk over to her father's, but was stopped by Denki as he held the KitKat he had gotten. "Here you go" Denki spoke. The little girl grabbed it with a big smile on her face. "Thank you!" She said happily.

Denki smiled as he saw her skip over back to her parents. 

Denki walked back home, putting away the groceries when he got there. "I'm home ghost!" Denki yelled out. Ranger then jumped onto Denki, causing him to fall to the ground. "Yes, yes. Hi Ranger" he said with chuckle. 

Ah yes. Denki would talk to the so called ghost that haunted the house. Hitoshi seemed to like it more when he was 'talked too', feeling less lonely. But he knew he wasn't getting talked too directly.  Hitoshi  sighed at the thought, feeling Ranger lick his hands. 

                                           Was he really that desperate to not by alone?

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