It seems as though he has a date

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At this point, Hitoshi knows the story. He'd know because he's living the story.

A guardian angel, lonely, protective, stubborn, tired, and sadly, in love. In love with the human that might as well be the sun instead of the sun realm keeper who made sure the sun rose for the earth, so people could have a beaming light to shine down on them.

Denki didn't know though. He didn't know the way Hitoshi's heart fluttered when he saw him smile or when he cuddled up close to him. He didn't know that Hitoshi often fought a war with himself, trying to convince himself that what he felt wasn't even an ounce of love. But Hitoshi seemed to be good at lying to himself.

In other words. This is a story about boy who will never know it's about him. Hitoshi knows it's quite stupid, but he seemed to be much too shy to tell him.

"Hey hot stuff." Denki, a flirty bastard that didn't know he was slowly driving Hitoshi to insanity as the days passed by. It was wonderful, really. "What?" Hitoshi's voice dripped with annoyance, but they both knew it was just playful banter they did and found themselves doing on the daily at times.

"So, I was wondering." Denki started, a sly smirk playing on his lips while his eyes sparked dangerously. "What ever it is, no." Hitoshi stated, interrupting the now pouting blond. "So you don't want me to do homework and instead you would love to go to a cafe that's just down that street that people keep talking about?" And there it was.

Hitoshi eyed the other skeptically while, said blond, gives him a smile that could only be seen as innocence. That was fake, might Hitoshi add. "Can't you go on the weekend, when the day isn't ending?" Hitoshi asked, eyebrow raised. 

The two were on the Denki's bed. Denki, who was still in his school uniform. Denki, who did nothing about the smudges that were caused by his pencil on his white button up. And Denki, who was deathly tired up until lunch. Maybe that's why he wished to go to the cafe that Hitoshi could only assume served coffee the blond didn't need no matter how hard he tried to convince other wise.

"I wanna go now, duh." His tone was bland, pleading eyes looking at Hitoshi. "Don't give me that look. You can go on the weekend." Hitoshi starts, looking outside the window where the sun began to set. "See, the sun is already coming down, and it's going to be curfew soon anyway." Sadly, the guardian angel's points were correct, which led Denki back to pouting.

"Sometimes I wonder if your really an angel." Denki stated, making the other eye him with a confused stare. "Why?" Was all Hitoshi asked, lips curved into a small frown, though his eyes showed no real offense. "You might as well be the devil himself. But I don't if devils can really be that attractive, you know what I mean?" 

Hitoshi stared at him, eyebrows raised and a small dusting of pink tinted his face and his ears burned. His heart pounded a mile faster and did flips in his chest. It was, unfortunately, a familiar feeling. A feeling Denki could only make him feel.

"I don't know what you mean, weirdo." Hitoshi spoke, his shoulders going up and down in a shrug. And who knows, maybe he did know what Denki meant, but he would never give him that satisfaction, especially when the blond deiced to make small, flirty remarks that made Hitoshi wonder why he had fallen so hopelessly for him instead of trying to stand up from the fall.

Denki laughed despite of his words. His laugh was nice, even if it sounded like one big snort at times. His smile strained his cheeks for only a few seconds, but Hitoshi liked the smile. It was genuine. And when had Hitoshi cared about someone's smile should be the real question he could never give the answer to no matter what kind of day it was.

The way the blond's mouth opened for only a split second showed he was about to say something, but a pounding at his door interrupted whatever he was about to speak. Denki let a groan slip out from his throat, showing whoever was at the door his annoyance with them. He assumed it was Bakugou, considering the usual angary blond liked to pound on doors to show his presence.

"Bakugou, I swear I'm gunna start calling you Kacchan if you make my headache come back." Denki warned, getting up from his bed with ease as he walked towards the door and yanked it open, but to his surprise, Bakugou was not the one who stood at his door. It was Kirishima, who gave him a grin, showing off his sharper tooth.

"Hey man! I'm gunna be staying at the dorms from now on!" Kirishima announced, chuckling at the other who had his jaw open and eyes wide. "Why didn't you tell me before!?" Denki asked disbelieved. "Why are you here though?" The blond's question made the red head rub the back of his neck with a small, nervous smile.

"Well, the thing is, where I live has been getting higher in crime rate, you know?" He started, not always meeting Denki's gaze and distracted himself with looking on the inside of his friends dorm, which decorated rather interestingly if he says so himself, bit the red head was never one to judge anyone for how they decorated or did things, as long as it stayed manly.

Denki nodded, understanding where it was going. "Well, my parents got a little paranoid and convinced the principle to let me join you guys in the dorms." Kirishima told, giving him his grin he gave earlier. Kirishima's parents were nice people, but they were rather paranoid when it came to safety and such. It was surprising when Denki first met them, considering Kirishima was rather outgoing and adventurous himself.

"I'm still offended that you didn't tell me man." Denki told, as if he were trying to scold, but a smile was playing at his lips. "I said I'm sorry man." Kirishima said, which made Denki smirk, seeming to be in victory. "The only way I could ever forgive you is if you let me borrow your notes you got from Bakugou." He told, crossing his arms as he leaned on his door frame. 

"Well played." Hitoshi deiced to tell, making the blond snort. Kirishima assumed it was from his own win, but we all know what it truly was. "Fine, but if you lose them again." Kirishima whined, digging in his pocket where he put the notes. Denki didn't even know that's where he put the notes.

The blond was handed the notes that were not wrinkled and crumbled. Golden eyes looked over the smaller pieces of paper he was given. "See you" Denki slowly read, which made the red head's face look like his hair that was down at the moment. He snatched the note in an instant, shushing Denki as if he were yelling it to the world.

"Oh my god! Dude, you have date?" Denki asked, an excited, dangerous smile came to his lips while the taller teen covered his face. "It's not what you think, it's just casual dinner, you know? We're just going as bros." The red heads statement had the blond as if he were stupid, which in this case he was.

"I don't think someone would ask you out but in a platonic way, I don't think that's how it works." Denki told before perking up with a question that seemed important with how serious his expression became. "Kiri, my dude, please tell me you're not going to wear one of those button up shirts you have with the funky designs with shorts you end up finding in the back of your closet?"

The nervous chuckle that came from Kirishima told Denki everything. "Please don't get Ashido. I know she means well but I don't want her to end up telling the whole school, she ended up telling me about your mystery guy." He told, fidgeting with his fingers while Denki gave him a look of pure horror. The amount of the people she could end up telling.

"Come back here tomorrow, an hour before you date."

And it was settled.

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