Ignorance is for idiots

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As another day passed, Hitoshi hardly slept.

He ignored the signs of tiredness and drowsiness as he kept an eye on Denki. His body felt sore, every inch of it, but he ignored that too. He ignored the signs of many things, if it weren't obvious. Though if someone told him so, he would argue otherwise. To prove a point that no one was pointing at, perhaps.

Every knock and every voice that came by the door gave Hitoshi a startle, causing his muscles to tense for a moment. Only then would he feel sorer than he did just a few moments ago.

Hitoshi didn't feel as relieved as he'd thought he would about his body not aching with weakness. Maybe it was because of Denki now being sick, or the fact another human can see him.

He already knew he had failed his assigned job a while ago. Ever sense Denki could see him, everything has been going terribly wrong. 

He often thought about Lois's offer. What was he thinking? Why had he refused? The offer he wished to give to Denki was right Infront of him, and yet, he refused it, turned it down and now it left Denki ill.

He sighed a shaky breath of air as he looked through the glassed window that was only to the left of him where he leaned on a cleared wall. Practically the only plain wall. The sun raised from its hiding, as now it was the moons turn to hide from peoples view for awhile.

It caused the guardian angel to think of the realm keepers. Honestly, they were a troubled pair, but in the long run, they still did the job they were assigned to as well. Regardless of their own thoughts and feelings for one another.

Hitoshi let the blond rest. He needed it. Denki's fever had calmed down, though the symptoms got worse. His head apparently throbbed while his body throbbed, and his nose was stuffed. Only then did Hitoshi realize that he hasn't looked at the file that still sat in his pocket for awhile.

The file still stayed there even if he thought to check. Hitoshi wasn't sure what stopped his hand from grabbing it, but there was a pull away from such a thing and Hitoshi couldn't explain it.

Though his thoughts consumed his mind, time passed and Denki awoke from his slumber, though he still groaned with discomfort.

Hitoshi didn't say much that morning. He only really asked few questions. If the blond ever spoke, he would only nod or hum in acknowledgement. Denki frowned each time, and Hitoshi saw it each time. And he ignored the way his heart ached at the thought of him being the reason of the blond's frown to appear.

Silence often dragged while Denki often adjusted. He would complain about the way his body ached or the way he couldn't sleep though his eyes wished to be closed. Hitoshi listened, though didn't feel like speaking.

When a soft knock came, Denki perked up almost immediately. 

Hitoshi gave him a look, and Denki was all too pleased to shoot one back. "Come on, just let them in." Denki spoke, though quietly. He didn't wish to seem crazy. Or even worse, they would all think he's hiding some guy in his closet in like in the films he often watched with Ashido.

Come to think of it, that's probably where she got the whole secret boyfriend thing from.

"Why?" Hitoshi asked, eyebrow and a pout on his lips. The sight was stupidly cute, but that's not something to be spoken out loud. "Because I deserve human interaction." Denki shot back, crossing his arms as a way to show he was standing his ground. He wasn't tired and hopeless like yesterday.

At least for now.

The pout still remained on Hitoshi's face, feet unmoving. He had no desire to have some angry blond guy to come in and yell, or Kirishima to try and help him, though he would end up failing at it. He didn't if others were to come in, as long as they were one of the calmer students at U.A.

But Hitoshi was still paranoid of Aizawa arriving once more. He laid little to no trust in the man.

Another knock came and Hitoshi glared at it. Denki started to get up, stretching a little in the process. Denki's steps were small, but the dorm wasn't that big either.

Hitoshi kept his eyes on the door, not even trying to stop the blond at unlocking and opening the door. 

If Aizawa really did show, then he had broken a promise.

The door opened in one swing of the door, revealing Denki's homeroom teacher to no ones surprise. Hitoshi stepped closer, pushing Denki lightly so he'd be behind him.

Purple eyes gave a fierce glare while the other gave him a tired stare. The blond who kept blacked from the scene stared confusingly.

"You promised to leave him alone." Hitoshi spoke. His voice was filled with frustration and venom that stuck to his voice like a snake bite. A tone Denki has never once heard. Aizawa gave no reaction just a simple unimpressed look upon his face. It was aggravating.

"Woah, hold up." Denki started. "He can see you too?" Denki almost sounded amazed, maybe even relieved. Hitoshi felt some type of bitter feeling that twisted in his gut, a feeling he felt not too long ago. 

Aizawa seemed to question Hitoshi by just a simple raise of an eyebrow. "So I see you told him nothing." Was what he decided to say. His tone was similar to a disappointed father that caused Hitoshi to feel a small degree of self consciousness.

Silence dragged on as Denki's question was never answer, though the answer was obvious. "I'm not here to do much but check in on my student." Aizawa made known, voice flat. He had no obligation to speak of the fact he wished to make sure that Hitoshi was no one he should claim as his enemy.

Hitoshi would be lucky if he wasn't claimed as such.

"You said you leave him alone." Hitoshi stood his ground, not letting the question slip away. He had to ensure Denki wouldn't slipped past him, disregarding his protests of Hitoshi blocking him with his wing. He felt Denki's hands try to push lightly, but Hitoshi remained as stiff as a wall.

"Then that makes you a fool for believing a simple nod." Aizawa voiced his words sternly. Eyes not glaring but his stare, intimidating. 

Regardless to Aizawa's statement, Hitoshi hardly faltered. But any falter, Aizawa noticed with observant eyes that watched his every move like a cat watching its prey, ready to pounce at any given moment.

"If you truly believed that I'd let you be around my student without any type of reassurance that you are causing him harm, then you are wrong." His voice remained stern while his words were clear. Though no one saw the dazed, even amazed, look that came across Denki features.

"If I were to harm him, I would've have done it long ago." Hitoshi's voice was unrecognizable to Denki. He was learning a whole different side of the sarcastic, quiet, polite, and even mysterious Hitoshi he saw so many times. He hadn't heard Hitoshi's voice sound so bitter. Nor did he know how to feel of it.

Denki heard them go back in forth. They weren't yelling; however, they spoke with wariness, bitter venom clear in each word they spoke to each other.

Where to butt in or say something to stop them and actually get answers to his own burning questions was where Denki felt stuck. He just stood, legs feeling a tense burn to them as he did so.

In all honesty, the blond practically forgot about his fever. 

Where had it even come from? He was fine literal minuets ago before he decided to puke his guts out. After that, he was wiped out. Head fuzzy and all.

Denki swallowed a lump that was unknowingly building up in his throat. Thinking about feeling sick only made him feel far to self aware to the throbbing in his head that caused him to feel almost nauseous.

Everything became so fuzzy again.

He heard his teacher protest while Hitoshi argued. Denki almost felt as though this was all too unreal. Could his teacher really see Hitoshi? How long could he? More importantly, how long did Hitoshi know? How many secrets is he truly hiding.

If he kept this a secret form him, could Denki trust him?

His heart seemed to ache at the thought, but he didn't know what else to do. Would Hitoshi really be willing to tell him the truth, or would Denki just have to wait for one of these situations to occur before he actually found out.

Hitoshi Shinsou. What are you hiding?

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