Unstable Basterd

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A/N! Sorry for having such bigger gaps between me making chapters. I got covid and even when I was almost done with this chapter, it messed me all up and made me have to take a pause. I am back and writing though! I've had plenty of time to lay there and think up ideas so be prepared!

Eyes opened, though they opened slow. Hitoshi was somewhere comfortable where there was something soft placed on top of him.

He barley opened his eyes, seeming to already be falling asleep, but he caught a glimpse of Denki, who wasn't laying too far. He had a wet cloth of his forehead, which caused worry to strike Hitoshi, but his eyes disobeyed any demand he gave them to stay open as he fell back asleep.


When Hitoshi's eyes opened again, he must of a shifted in his slumber. His eyes glanced around, looking at the familiar dorm room. He moved his leg under the covers until he felt Denki's leg underneath as well.

"I can't come home tonight." A voice suddenly spoke, it was raspy and deep, tired even. When he looked over, he saw Denki's homeroom teacher. The man leaned on an empty part of the wall, his phone to his ear as he called someone.

"Something came up." He tried to reason with whoever was on the other side, pinching the bridge of his nose. "A student has a high fever." Hitoshi took that information, though the blond seemed fine in the beginning, he could only guess it happened because of Lois.

"I said it was a high fever." Whoever was on the other line, they didn't buy the excuse's Aizawa made. "It's Kaminari." Aizawa stated with a sigh. "He should be fine." Aizawa didn't say a whole lot with the responses he gave and clearly, the other person on the phone didn't seem to be to fond about being told such little information.

"I'll keep you updated." He paused. "Love you." And then the phone was hung up. 

Hitoshi kept his eyes on Aizawa as if the man were prey ready about ready to strike, but the strike never happened.

It didn't take long for the older man to notice the stare of the guardian angel. He eyed the winged creature(?) "I see your awake." He spoke, but he didn't move closer nor farther away. All Hitoshi did for response was a small nod.

He felt a child, all tucked away in a soft, warm blanket. Said blanket cover his mouth, only revealing the bridge of his nose and up while Aizawa's eyes looked at him like he was some kind of dangerous child.

"So, I expect you to tell me who you are." Aizawa told, but Hitoshi just gave him a raise of his eyebrow, as if to challenge him. It left the room with some sort of tension that roamed the room freely.

"Well?" Aizawa spoke, and though it was spoken like a question, Hitoshi knew it was a simple demand, though Hitoshi did not wish to speak. His throat was scratchy, and even if he got a glass of water, he didn't feel like talking to the older man who awaited his answer.

Denki shifted from where he slept, causing both of the two to look his way. The blond barley moved, just adjusted from his place, though his jaw dropped as drool came pooling down, a snore escaping his throat.

Aizawa looked almost disgusted while Hitoshi only scrunched his nose. It was normal for Denki to snore and drool in his sleep, the amount of times Hitoshi admired the blond while he slept, often thinking he looked beautiful, at peace, and the number of times the blond would start snoring at those moments would tell you how much he did so without even knowing when he woke up, bedhead and all.

Though the snoring continued, Hitoshi and Aizawa put their focus back on each other. Though Hitoshi's gaze remained the same, Aizawa's gazed softened a tad. If Hitoshi wasn't observant, he wouldn't have noticed the change. Hitoshi stood his ground regardless, keeping his expression guarded.

Even if his throat felt scratchy and uncomfortable, Hitoshi clears his throat to speak, but not answer the lingering question that stayed thick in the air. 

"How high is his fever?" Hitoshi rasped out, clearing his throat once more to insure it wouldn't happen the next time he tried to talk or utter just a single word.

Aizawa's brow raised at the sudden question, whatever sympathy he had for the other had disappeared into a glare that was similar to Hitoshi's own, though his glare felt more like a warning then his.

"Why should I tell you?" Aizawa's behavior was like Hitoshi's when he first saw he could see him, though he had no obligation to tell him how he could see him, as the necklace stayed hidden by his usual long sleeved shirt he wore on the daily.

"I need to know." His voice came out less raspy, but Aizawa didn't budge to answer his question as so did Hitoshi. "You don't need to know. It's more of priority for teachers to know." Though what he spoke was true, Hitoshi found it far more important that he knew that information instead of a homeless looking ass.

"Fine, I'll check his temperature when you leave." Hitoshi wasted no time on trying to get Aizawa to leave, he made it quite clear, even an oblivious person would be able to read the glare Hitoshi so happily gave Aizawa. Hitoshi always did have a bad feeling about him.

Aizawa stood his ground, not moving from where his slippered feet stood. Hitoshi, with a sigh and whatever will he had left in his body, sat up, those his eyes never left Aizawa, as if he were waiting for him to pounce and attack.

"The fact you think I'm just going to leave without answers is hilarious." Though he spoke of humor, his tone stayed flat as so did his expression. 

"If I tell you, will you leave him alone?" It caught his attention, the way he spoke of Denki and not asking for anything that meant something for himself. If anything, it interested Aizawa on who he was. What he was. 

When Aizawa nodded to his question, and Hitoshi started, ignoring the voice that told him not too. 

"I'm Hitoshi Shinsou, I assigned myself as De- Kaminari's guardian angel. Guardian angels are supposed to protect humans but we're not human ourselves. The only reason Kaminari can see me is because the part of his brain that's supposed to block a human's sight of us was destroyed in the car accident." He spoke quickly, voice shaky. For once, he wasn't glaring over at Aizawa, finding his fiddling hands far more interesting.

The silence strained in the air. It made Hitoshi's throat feel tight, as if someone were strangling him. It was painful, the silence. He welcomed silence like a friend, though silence has been his worst enemy these days. These days his mind has found it far too easy to call him out in every shitty thing he has ever done in the bland sound of silence.

Denki shuffled and moved, even if his mind was trapped in a land of slumber he still moved to get more comfortable as unknowing eyes looked at him, though purple ones didn't look this time.

"Leave." Hitoshi's voice was serious and even threatening. Atone that sounded like a moody ass teenager if you asked Aizawa, but he was never one to say what came into mind, though his husband was quite the opposite.

Aizawa looked over him. He didn't trust him, no. He would never trust someone he saw as a complete stranger to look after any of his students, but he wasn't blind. Denki was comfortable around Hitoshi Shinsou, even if was out of this world to truly believe that what Aizawa saw was real.

Regardless of it seeming to be untrue or unreal, Aizawa couldn't ignore it. 

Hitoshi Shinsou was something that couldn't be explained. He was unstable and dealing with such a big assignment. Aizawa knew he'd be watching closely, weather he notices or not. 

Someone's gotta keep an eye on the supernatural. Even if he'd rather not have too. 

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