On all the places I've been touched

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Sunday November 6, 2022:

Esmee POV


I am at my father's house this morning.

My father sits on the couch with his laptop on his lap. And my sister is studying at the dinner table.

The test week went great. Well, test week is a big word. We had to make all the test in three days.

It is me who makes my family tea.

Suddenly my father speaks: 'I like him.'

We all know who he's referring to.

I groan and place tea before him, 'Of course you do. He's rich'.

'And handsome'. My sister interferes and looks up from her homework.

I nod, 'Indeed. He is quite handsome'.

'And rich...' She speaks again.

I sit on the couch with a sigh, 'Yes and rich. But he is much more than the money he owns'.

That peaks my father's interest.

'Oh. Do tell. Why are you so fond of him?' My father closes his laptop with a wicked grin.

I should have kept my mouth shut.

I sigh, 'Because he is protective,' I start and place my drink down, 'He is very ambitious, smart, caring, understanding, he speaks the truth and most importantly... I admire his spirit. The way he implies passion in everything he does. I believe that to be the reason he became so successful.' I feel my eyes glint, by the thought of Killian.

My sister laughs, 'You talk about him like a grandmother. That means you are perfect for each other.'

'How come?' My father mingles into the conversation.

My sister shrugs, 'Esmee is very old-fashion, and he speaks vrry old. It almost appears as if he is a hundred years old.'

I spit out my tea. 'No, that would be absurd.' I laugh it off.

My sister rolls her eyes, 'Despite his age. When it comes to the inside, you two are much alike. You are perfect for each other.'

That is the most amazing thing my sister has aver said to me. I appreciate her so much right now.

I smile, 'Tanks Ann'.

She smiles back.

My father just groans, 'Well then I must have no objections.'

I look at him with a smile, and sit before him on the ground, 'You agree?' I could not sound more hopeful.

My father looks me in the eye, 'I have raised you to be a smart and calculated woman. And you turn eighteen in half a year, so it would be foolish of me to tell you to wait six more months. I agree.'

I clap my hands together. And after jump in his arms, 'Thank you father. It truly means the world to me.

My father pats my back, 'We shall see. But first, let's lay out some ground-rules'.

I nod, feeling nervous.

'You must be aware of the dangers a man like that brings'. He starts.

I nod again, 'I know, Killian has enlightened me.'

'All of it?' He looks doubtful.

'Everything I should know.' I defend my mate.

My father looks ahead, 'He is a dangerous man, is he not?'

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