Chapter 9...

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Tae's POV

I had to put on my headsets last night and this morning because Jimin and Eunwoo were being extra loud. I don't know how many times they did it but Jimin was really so loud.

I was still in my room when he walked in holding up an empty box of condoms that I used with Jungkook without asking him. I look at him and cover my head with the blanket.

Jimin:" I knew something was going on with you,you started glowing lately and I couldn't figure out why because Bogum said you only wanted to be his friend. So who are you fucking Taehyung?

Tae:" Jimin it's way too early for such questions besides I didn't get much sleep ,you guys kept going on and on and on.

Jimin:" yes,it's called loving each other.

He sits on my bed and pulls the blanket from my head and is giving me the 'I am still waiting for an answer look'.

Tae:" It's no one,I just used the dildo you bought for me.. I needed the condom for smooth penetration.

Jimin:" Are you telling me the truth? There is no one?

Tae:" no one at all

Jimin:" I thought it was Seo-joon

Tae:" What? No! Him and I never even had such a conversation. Why would you think that?

Jimin:" The way he looks at you or smiles when you let him touch you.

Tae:" There is nothing sexual about his touches ,no I am just mastubating.

I see Jimins eyes roaming around my round and he squint his eyes at all the new stuff

Jimin:" when did you get all of theses? They are all new.

Tae:" Just recently

Jimin:" You spend money on Jungkooks merchandise? Like seriously Tae? Should I be worried that you might have a small crush on him?

Tae:" I just like the stuff,it has nothing to do with Jungkook as an individual.

Jimin:" You had a crush on him before you started dating Minho,maybe it never went away.

Tae:"I also had a crush on Jin,it's all in the past Chimchim.Now get out of my room and let me sleep for awhile.

Jimin:" You have about 30 minutes rest,Eunwoo is looking for a new apartment and he wants our input

Tae:" ah why me? He's your man and your input should matter not mine.

Jimin:" You're my brother and yours is important to me.

Tae:" Did you tell your parents that you're moving in with him?

Jimin:" I am not moving in with him,we're just going to see whether things will work out between us if we do

Tae:" don't put me in the middle of it all,I don't want them to think that I was helping them. I live here alone,you basically live with him.

Jimin:" I promised that we wouldn't move in until after we graduate but Hoshi I love him and I love being with him.i get anxiety when we are apart.

Tae:" Still you have to tell them.

Jimin:" With time,I will. Get ready okay.

Just as Jimin leaves my room my phone rings and it's Jungkook. It's 8am don't people know that off days are for sleeping?

Tae:" hey you(whisper)

Jk:" Hey Tae,did I wake you?

Tae:" nope,Jimin beat you to the punch. Je walked in hereto ask me about his condoms,can you believe it?

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