Chapter 45....

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Tae's POV

Today is the day that I've been dreading for so long. I guess there are no more excuses on my end. We all woke up early  and started to get ready for the day ahead.

Jimin's parents are busy preparing the food,while Jimin and I are polishing the apples.Eunwoo and Seo-joon are loading the stuff in the car.

While we were busy getting dressed,a delivery of colorful Orchids were brought to the house, and my heart just swells, and I smile and sign for them.

I know Jungkook is awake and probably on his way to the gym ,so I sent him a quick thank you text with the picture of the flowers .

He tells me to have a great day and that he loves me.

Mom:" Your mom is going to love them,they are absolutely beautiful.

Tae:" Hmmm,I hope so. Isn't Jungkook just out of this world?

Dad:" Yes, he must've been raised well.

Tae:"They did do an awesome job with him.

Jimin:" Okay,everything is loaded.Are we ready? Are you ready, Tete?

I look at all of them, and I nod my head.

Tae:" I am ready,I can't keep stalling. I want to honor them and remember them

Eunwoo:" I am proud of you

Tae:" Thanm you..

We get in the car,Jimin rides with Eunwoo and Seo-joon, while I fo with his parents. They have been helping with the upkeep of the house, and I don't even know how I will ever repay their kindness and generosity.

Dad:" You okay back there?

Mom:" It's okay to feel. It's okay to let it out, too. You've ever only cried on the day the news came out.

Tae:" I feel like if I start to cry,maybe I won't know how to stop. I do cry every now and then when I miss them, but I find comfort in knowing that I have people who love me, and I draw strength from that.

We drive in silence after that and just sit looking out the window ,remembering the trips we took to and from the Park'sresidence. I can't believe how Jimin and I brought our families together and them becoming friends for life.

We finally get to the house, and I just get a wave of emotions.Its exactly how I remembered it,the color on the outside was fading a bit. Jimin's mom holds my hand, and we walk to the front door, and I just feel a sense of calm sweep over me. I felt welcomed and warm.

She let's go of my hand and tells me to go through the house by myself while they do the setup. I nod my head and walk to the kitchen,looking around and remembering the days i spent helping my mom cook or watching them dance in here,going to the dining room and touching the table,going to the living room and sitting my my fathers chair,looking at our family pictures and the water works start. We made so many memories,all my achievements proudly displayed next to family pictures ,go to my room, and I sit on my bed ,looking at my dream board, my paintings, pictures of me with Jimin,I go to my parents room next and just in straight to their bed. I just let it all out as I fold in fetal position, and I feel someone hug me from behind.

Jimin:" I am so proud of you for doing this,I know that they are so proud of you.

Tae:" I miss them so much, Chimchim.

Jimin:" I know you do. I also know that you cry for them when you think I won't notice, but I do. I just don't interfere because I want you to grieve,it's healthy.

Tae:" They were the best parents ,they made sure I knew what a healthy marriage should look like. Even though they were both orphans ,they found each other and loved each other till the very end.

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