Chapter 41...

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Tae's POV

Today is the day Soekjin is expected to set foot in Korea ,Seoul again after so long. I hope he shows up with his husband and I hope he doesn't have eyes for my boyfriend, because we will have problem

Concentrating on school is pretty hard considering the students are pro Soekjin and apparently they still ship them

I should've just taken the day off to be honest. As soon as he arrives he will be attending the press conference  with Jungkook and Namjoon. It's like a welcome back type of thing.

Jimin:" Are you worried about them seeing each other ?

Tae:" They saw each other when he was over seas at a restaurant. I am worried about them talking

Jimin:" Well,they have to.

Tae:" And I told him to get his hair done and dress up sexy and fuck now I am not so sure.

Jimin:" He could be covered in dirty clothing and Jungkook will still be sexy .

Tae:" Stop talking,just stop talking already I get it.

Jimin:" How was last night? Did you guys talk?

Tae:" No ,I did what you told me. I was just being present in the moment. And before you ask no we didn't have sex

Jimin:" Too bad,now Jungkook's balls are full and his handsome ex is here.

Tae:" wow,thanks for the image Jimin.

Jimin:" Stop,I am just messing around with you.

Tae:" I am going home,I will just email all my work

I call Dan and tell him to come pick me up ,I fake not feeling.

Seo-joon:" Should I come with you? We can watch a movie together or play games.

Tae:" I am bad company today,maybe some other time.

Jimin:" Oh,Tete. Come on,do you really think Jungkook is going to do something dump?

Tae:" I don't know,I just have a bad feeling about everything.  I just feel a storm brewing.

Jimin:" Don't say that,just go home and rest.I will bring lunch for you.

Dan arrives and sends me a text that he's outside and I go out and get in the car.

Dan:" Why are you dodging ? You look so healthy to me.

Tae:" Okay dude,mind your own business . I have a high temperature.

He reached for my face with his back hand and feels my temperature and breaks out laughing

Dan:" You're not sick,what's going on?

Tae:" Stop asking questions Dan,I said I am sick and I am sick.

Dan:" Well Jungkook called his doctor to come see you and he's on his way

Tae:" (sigh) ah why did you tell him? It's none of his business. Seriously though Dan why did you tell him?

Dan:" We were together when you called,it's only fair that I tell him.

Tae:" You could've told him anything, I won't be your friend anymore.

Dan:" I didn't tell him anything I am just teasing you. Why are you going home?

Tae:" Is he already here?

Dan:" Any minute now,the media is going crazy about the reunion of the famous lovers

Tae:" stop calling them that,is everyone forgetting that that guy is married? Fuck

He drops me off at home and I wave goodbye and get inside. I go straight to my room and take out my camera, link it to my instant photo printer and select the pictures I want printed and press print.

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