Chapter 40...

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Tae's POV

Last night was absolutely a whirlwind of emotions. I told Jungkook that I was in love with him and that I loved him last night. I didn't hear what I wanted to hear from felt it.

Does that make sense, or am I sounding cookoo? The o ly thing I am so confused about is whether we are on a break or whether we broke up because this morning he acted all happy and cool like we didn't just have a huge argument the night before.

We bathe together and even made out in the shower because he had to go to the gym and the studio afterward,  Dan is the one who took me to school. I am met by Seo-joon and Jimin by the gates, and we walk to class together.

Jimin:" Are you okay? What happened to the two of you last night?

Tae:" Nothing major,I honestly don't want to talk about it

Jimin:" I got your room fixed back up. What was Jungkook looking for?

Tae:" He was looking for any gifts I git from Minho because I might've told him so in a jealous rage.

Seo-joon:" What did you do at his place?

Tae:" I couldn't go through with it,I just made him believe that I did. I throw things in his swimming pool.

Jimin:"Well, I am glad you guys fixed things

Tae:" We didn't fix anything Chimchim, we just fucked and made love and I ended up telling him that I loved him.

Seo-joon:" okay , What did he say?

Tae:" Nothing,he didn't say it back he just went ride back to fucking me. Am I a fool? Should I have waited before admitting anything to him?

Jimin:" No,you can tell someone you love them, and they don't have to say it back immediately. Give him some time.

Tae:" I asked him for space to sort my feelings out and he suggested that we break up or maybe I did,it was a headed argument.

Jimin:" What did he say?

Tae:" Told me that he doesn't want space or to break up

Seo-joon:" That's good right? That's what you wanted right?

Tae:" Haven't you read the news? He's going to be working with his ex again. This whole issue started because it seems to me that he's still having feelings for his ex and that I am just a decoy to fill his bed.

Jimin:" Tae he stopped being with random guys when you two started.

Tae:" Yes I know that but will it continue once Soekjin lands in Korea?

Seo-joon:" You're  over thinking things Tae,you have to give him the benefit of the doubt

Jimin:" I see the way he looks at you and you just met his parents.  I think it's his way of telling you that he takes your feelings seriously .

Tae:" The week that Soekjin is here I am gonna go away for awhile.

Jimin:" Where?

Tae:" I am going to my parental home,I've been putting it off so I should do that.

Seo-joon:" Is he not coming tomorrow? You have school and assignments to complete . You can't just up and leave.

Tae:" Would you rather I lay next to a man who thinks about his ex?

We get to class, and each take their seat. My mind isn't even here. I sit through class thinking about last night and how beautiful it felt to be so intimate with him. Maybe it was that extra good because we are taking a break.

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