Chapter 13...

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Tae's POV

I woke up feeling sick and and could hardly get out of bed,so I just stayed in bed and wished and prayed Jimin would come and find me.

My nosebis blocked from too much crying ,my eyes fell swollen and my throat hurts. I have a temperature too and I am too weak to get up.

I get my phone and switch it back on and call Jimin but his phone is off. I try calling Eunwoo and he picks up on the 3 ring.

Eunwoo:" Hey Tete,we are on our way,did you want to speak to Jimin?

Tae:" Can you hurry? I don't feel too good.

Jimin:" hey whats wrong? We are 5 blocks away will be there soon...stay with me on the phone

Tae:" I don't know,I just feel so weak,I can't even hold my phone ,

Jimin:" okay okay I am on my way Tae,okay.

Eunwoo:" Tae,talk to us do you need an ambulance?

Tae:" I don't know,everything hurts just get here...

They keep me on the phone and the more I talk the more my voice seems to disappear. They get to the dorms and ii hear a panicked Jimin open the front door and rush over to me,asking me too many questions and feeling my temperature.

He yells at Eunwoo to bring a bowl of water with a towel and a thermometer and the poor thing comes rushing with both.He puts the thermometer in my mouth and the wet cloth on my forehead.

Jimin removes the heavy blanket from my body as well so I can bring my temperature down. I hear Eunwoo talking to Seo-joon and he comes in to check what's happening.

Jimin:" What happened? How can you bring him back to the dorm when he's sick like a dog...look at him.

Seo-joon:" I am sorry,he's stubborn like a donkey.

Eunwoo:" Now that I agree with.

Jimin checks my temperature and and it's high,he tells Eunwoo and Seo-joon to carry me to the bathroom and hold me under the shower and they do,I am catching a dangerous flu.

After that he send both of them out and helps me out of my wet clothes, I was shivering now,he dries me off and puts me in clean boxers and a t-shirt with socks and back in bed as he blow dries my hair looking so worried.

He puts the thermometer back in my mouth and keeps playing with my hair.

Jimin:" Don't get sick you idiot, I will flick your forehead now.

Tae:"( hoarse voice) I am sorry

Eunwoo brought water and flu medicine and I took some and laid back again after about 5 minutes there was a knock and Eunwoo opened and a doctor walked in

Doc:" Hi I am Doc Shin-ari,here for  Kim Taehyung

Jimin:" Nice to meet you, Yes it's him,

Doc:" how do you feel? Can I have have a look?

He checked my eyes,my ears and even down my throat, he put on his stethoscope and listened to my chest.

Doc:" Are you allergic to any medicine

Tae:" No doc

Doc:" You are catching a flu,so I will give you a shot to help you sweat it out. You will feel so much better after you wake up.

He takes out the needle and Jimin comes and holds my hand ,I have a fear of needles,they terrify me. He tell me to turn to my side and give him the butt and I do

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