Chapter 31..

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Last night was absolutely a blessing for me. Tae has a magical touch. I didn't know he could massage like that,he totally put me out till this morning and when I woke up he wasn't in bed but a note was on stuck to his lamp.

[Morning baby,I didn't want to wake you up. Felt you needed the rest. Went to school,couldn't make you breakfast either but make yourself at home,oh and Dan picked me up.mwah]

I smile as I sit up and stretch, I don't feel any pain at in my shoulders or back,he did he really good job. I put on my clothes and make up his bed. Tonight is the day that the Music video for Seven is dropping at 2pm and the live performance will be at night.

Suga and Jhope will be throwing a club party tomorrow to congratulate me and I've already told Tae and Jimin about it. Now that Tae's wrist is fine I can finally give him the bracelets and the necklace that I bought for him.

I lock up their place when Dan came to pick me up and we drove to my place so I could go prepare for the day ahead. Almost all my friends wished me well for the day. I had my stylist bring some clothes and my hairdresser and makeup artist also booked to come by later today.

My parents are also on their way to come see their son perform. Should I introduce Tae to them today or do it tomorrow? If my mom finds out that I already introduced him to ma2 I will be in so much trouble. Am I ready to bring someone else into my parents lives again?

I go in the closet and take out the box that I had forgotten about and just go through it,how can we look at each other like this and be total strangers to each other in real life.

So many memories with you Soekjin, so mamlny good memories all tainted by one thing,by something so fucking stupid its actually hilarious. I would've given everything to you,would've died for you too.

Eventhough we are not together, you still manage to ruin my life. Tae doesn't deserve the uncertainty he is getting from me. I pick the box up and take it to the garage but bring it back up again and put it where it was.

What should I do ? Send it to him ? Every gift we ever bought for each other is in this box,photos,videos,trips we took,promises we made,plans for the house everything. Dinners with his parents,dinners with mine. I have to somehow let all of this go,I have to let you go Soekjin if I want to be happy with the man who shows me everyday that he wants to be with me and does the most amazing things for me.

My stylist sends over some clothes for me to try on ,I told him that I need performance clothes and he delivered, he always keeps me looking good,latest and trending. I absolutely love it.
Suga and Jhope come with Champagne and we already open it as we wait for these video to drop much to Ma2's amusement

Suga:" I am proud of you brother,I know team Jungkook, army will absolutely love this song.

Jhope:" I know it will break records all over the world,congratulations for putting Korea on the map.

Jk:" Thank you my brothers

My parents arrive with enough food to feed the army and I tell them that I can only eat after the show. My place is just noisy and buzzing and it's time,everyone is in the living room and I press play and viola.  The music video is absolutely a masterpiece even if I have to say so myself.

It's just been a couple of minutes and and there are already half a million views and going up,Tae called and congratulated me as did Jimin and I thanked them and told them that I'd see them later in the crowd.

I left my parents at the house and went with Suga and Jhope Inkigayo for the live performance. Making sure everything is working properly, sound check,quick dance rehearsal and Army arrived,while I did the final . I call Tae

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