Chapter 23...

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Tae's POV

Jungkook is traveling today so I am kinda sad,we are barely a couple and he is going to a whole other country.

I woke up early and got ready for my classes,covering the hickies on my neck with foundation and just wish it doesn't show later on.

He said if he gets a chance he might stop by to come see me but I feel like he is probably already late because he has an early flight and has to be there on time.

I texted him early in the morning to wish him safe travels and that I would miss him terribly.  He hasn't said anything yet but I bet he will later.

I knew Dan would be taking Jungkook to the Airport so I went to school with Seo-joon today, it was an uncomfortable awkward situation and the thought of Jungkook finding out about it made me cringe. We got to class and I went to my seat and took out my books,I left my phone on vibration just incase he texts me or calls me.

Jimin came shortly after and sat on his place,blowing me a kiss and greeting Seo-joon  and we greet him back.

Jimin:" I am seriously exhausted, I need a holiday

Seo-joon:" we had almost a two week holiday Jimin

Jimin:" It wasn't enough clearly

Tae:" mmmmm,rough night?

Jimin:" ( points to my neck) speak for yourself bitch...can you even sit?

Tae:" Shut up Jimin,your mouth is too brazen

My phone vibrates and I check,it's a message from my bunny

{FROM Bunny 🐰:" Baby,sorry I couldn't stop by. We stayed up wat h physical 100 and lost track of time.I miss you,I will miss you,take care okay? Eat well,sleep well and don't over study. Talk to you when I land.boarding now😘😘.}

TO Bunny 🐰:" Take care Kookie,I will keep busy so I don't miss you as much🤣. Hwaiting baby 😘😘😘

I was now smiling from ear to ear and didn't notice Prof.Cheng infront of me,I quickly try to put my phone away and he gives me a scolding look and takes me phone and goes to his desk.

Cheng:" I don't care if you think this isn't school,I am still yoir professor and you will respect me,collect your phone after class. My class my rules.

Tae:" I am sorry sir,it was an urgent matter.It won't happen again

He starts teaching and nothing can change my good mood,I like being with Jungkook. It's moving abit faster than it ever did with Minho but when we are together we can hardly keep our hands off each other.

He gave us work and went out 5 minutes before we have to change classes. I didn't think anything of it I just thought he'd be back in time to give me my phone back.

Seo-joon:" There is something different about you,I couldn't quite make it out this morning but I get it now. You and Bunny are together right?

Tae:" Y-yes,he asked me out when we got back from Daegu.

Jimin:" And he is traveling today to where his ex boyfriend is,let's hope they don't meet in this month or that when they do he keeps it in his pants

Tae:" Thanks buddy,that really helps alot .Who needs enemies when I have a brother like you.

The classes change and I am waiting for Mr Cheng ,I even tried to open his drawer to check but it's locked.I was getting late for my next class so I just left the phone and went to class.

Seo-joon:" Did you get your phone?

Tae:" nope,he didn't show up so I just left

Jimin:" That creep,why would he take your phone and walk away

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