Chapter 37...

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Tae's POV...

I stayed up last night watching Queen of Tears with Jungkooks mom, and we also had conversations in between and,she asked me to be patient with her son. She told me that it's been a while since Jungkook really liked someone and wanted to date them.

I told her that I really like her son and will do my best to be patient with him. I told her that he's persistent and got whatever he wanted anyway.

Last night, before going to bed, I passed by his room cause he left the room open and watched him sleep like a creep. He looked so innocent, I took the hair out of his face and kissed the little scar by his cheek. I also touched his mole under his bottom lip and kissed him before covering him up and leaving him ,closing the door behind me.

This morning, I woke up earlier than usual. Going down stairs, I saw his mom and went over to greet her, and she gave me tea. She said Jungkook told her my food preferences, and I smiled at that.

Jungkook and His dad are still asleep.I help his mom with breakfast along with their household helper. I asked to be excused when I heard Bam barking outside and run to him. We play a lot and I give him his water

I continue to play with him and also take pictures of him.

After a while, I let him be and go up the stairs to take pictures of a sleeping beautiful Jungkook .

Tae:" Hey,Kookie. Good morning, baby.Wakey wake

Jk:" What time is it? And why are you up so early?

Tae:" Baby, it's 10 am. I've been up since 8 am. I was playing with Bam outside side.How did you sleep?

He looks at me as if I am making noise with an annoyed look and sits up in bed with his back against the headboard .

Jk:" I heard you last night,complimenting the main actor of the show you were watching hing with mom.

Tae:" Really? You were eavesdropping on a private conversation. Not cool

Jk:" I also waited for you, and you totally neglected me.

Tae:" ( smile) I stopped by baby,you were fast asleep.  I even gave you a kiss and covered you up before leaving.

Jk:" Hmmm, you kissed me?

Tae:" Yes,

I put the camera on his table and sit next to him,leaning in and kissing him

Tae:" Like that,I also kissed (pointing) this little cute scar on your cheek, like this (kiss).

Jk:" Did you lock the door?

Tae:" Absolutely not, I left it ajar as well.

Jk:" I have a problem

He lifts the blanket and shows me his morning erection, taking my hand and making me touch it, and I bite my lip looking at him,he leans in and kiss my lips and I melt into him,wanting so much more than just a kiss but my mind is screaming get a grip boy,this is his parental household.

I let go of his dick and stand up,backing away from the situation before it goes any further.

Jk:" Ah, really babe? My parents know we are sexually active.

Tae:" No,don't put ideas in my head. Breakfast is ready let's go.

I walk towards the door and he gets up so fucking fast and close the door shut,pushing me against it and he starts to attack me neck,pushing his erection on my waist

Jk:" Do you have any idea how much I want you?

He deepens the kiss,squeezing my butt and a moan escapes my mouth.

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