Chapter 19...

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JK's POV..

I woke up earlier than usual today,I couldn't sleep last night because today is the day I ask Tae to be my boyfriend and I am nervous.

I know that I am going to get a positive answer but I still feel like I don't deserve him and it scares me to bring him into a very public life full of opinions.

I went to the Gym and let out some steam,started on the treadmill and stayed for about 45 minutes and went to do some boxing on the punching bag. My jaw was just a little swollen and it didn't hurt at all.

Mingyu and hus trainer came too and they politely greet me. I thought since he is in the same group with Dino that he would act funny towards me but he doesn't, they even invite me over for weightlifting and we had a small competition of which Mingyu won only cause my mind is somewhere else.

Mingyu:" we should do this more often, I'd like to if you're down.

Jk:" Sure but wouldn't that out you in trouble with Dino?

Mingyu:" We are band mates,he doesn't own me and to be honest he's not really a bad guy,he just really likes John

Jk:" Well you van tell him that nothing happened between us that night,

Mingyu:" Anyway how about drinks this weekend?

Jk:" Argh not this one I am going to Busan to visit my family before my schedule starts

Mingyu:" okay,well next time...just call me

We exchanged numbers and they leave the Gym,I also pack up my stuff and head on home to see whether everyone I asked for has been delivered already.

It's still way too early,Tae and Jimin will only get here in the afternoon but I am way to excited to even wait. My house help which is now more like a second mother to  busy giving out instructions to a group of people that she hired to help her out with organizing everything.

I walk to her and give her a kiss on the cheek and she pulls me to the living room and hits my chest..

Ma2:" why are you fighting in the streets? Is that how I raised you?

Jk:" ouch, no I was fighting, it's just edited pictures

Ma2:" Are you sure? So why is you jaw swollen?

Jk:" I hurt myself in the gym ma,

Ma2:" liar,so tell me about this boy? Is he the one that came over last time?


Ma2:" He's gorgeous but isn't he a bit too young and naive for your kind if lifestyle?

Jk:" yes he's gorgeous, he's 23 years old ma. He will adjust to it perfectly

Ma2:" He's not after your money and status right?

Jk:" He's different ma,please treat him kindly. I really like him. I tried to push him away emotionally but he just broke down all my barriers. I want to have a relationship with him

Ma2:"I trust your decision, you have to be in this relationship with only him okay and if he hurts you I will make him regret it. Oh baby,I am so happy to see you like thus,there is life in your eyes again and color in this house too.

She started to tear up and I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Jk:" Stop or you will make me cry and my eyes will swell up and I won't look good for Tae

Ma2:" Shush shush,go take a shower so we can also fix your room,I hope Tae doesn't leave for whatever reason tonight or any other night

Jk:" oh I plan on making him stay..

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