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Imagine for TheEldestMaknae0204

You were walking around town, with all the boys laughing and talking behind you. You walked with Hansol and Seungkwan and you were joking around with them.

Eventually you spot a shopping center and they all immediately enter it, looking around at all the shops to go into.

"Hey, guys let's go in here!" Calls Wonwoo, pointing to a music shop.

"I'd rather find a book shop." Says Joshua.

"What about a clothes store?" Asks Hansol.

You stand around watching them argue, a smile on your face. You feel a presence behind you and you feel a friendly hand on your shoulder.

"Where do you want to go Y/N?" You turn to see Jeonghan standing close to you, hair tied back, smiling as well.

"I don't really mind." You reply.

"Me neither. Wanna take a walk?"

You nod and slip away from the rest of the group, who had finally decided to split up.

You both come across a bakery that's giving our free samples for today only.

"Hey look! Free food!" You run over straight away and you hear Jeonghan laugh behind you. He stands next to you as you stand next to the woman giving out the free food. Jeonghan picks up a bit of a cookie and over to you.

"Try some of this." He puts in your mouth and you savour the taste. You give him some muffin and you laugh together.

"Aw you two are the cutest couple." Says the woman.

"Oh, we're not together." You reply. You notice that Jeonghan doesn't say anything. Too busy making the most of free food, you think.

You walk around, both wondering where to go next when you see a clothing shop with beauty products, and you get a sneaky idea.

"Can we go in here for a minute, Jeonghan?" You say, giving him your best puppy dog eyes look.

He looks inside curiously. He looks at your with a suspicious expression.

"Since when did you like girly stuff?"

You shrug your shoulders and he shakes his head but agrees to go in. You pretend to look at all the makeup and you sneak glances at Jeonghan's disgusted face. You come across the perfume section and you grab a tester bottle and his it behind your back. Jeonghan is looking at the models near the makeup section and shaking his head in disapproval. You sneak up behind and spray the perfume on the side of his neck.

"Ahh! What was that??" He yells his, hand flying to his neck.

You laugh until your sides ache while he scrunches his nose at the smell.

"Ugh, it smells weird. And its too strong." He says.

You hold your stomach and manage to get a few words out.

"Your face! Oh my, that was funny!"

He stands there straight faced while you giggle at him. He eventually cracks a smile but tried to hide it by turning his head to the side.

You stand up straight and act like a annoying make up assistant.

"Well now you have your chosen perfume, you may want to try our selection of foundation and eyeliner?"

He rolls his eyes at you.

"Oh c'mon at least let me do your hair." He just looks at you, as if to see if your being serious. You were, you wanted to do his hair since you first became friends with Seventeen.

"Pretty please?" You beg.

He sighs.

"Fine. But don't make me look stupid." He smiles a little.

"I won't, I promise."

You both walk into a café nearby. You sit in a booth and the back with some coffee. He turns away from you and you pull his hair free.



You run your fingers through his hair as gently as you can. You feel amazed at how soft it was, smooth as silk. You decide to do a fishtail plait, smiling mischievously.

"Jeonghan, I have a really, really important question to ask you. It was change the future of the human race, you must answer truthfully."

"Uh... Okay." He sounds nervous.

"Jeonghan..." You lean a little so your voice is louder in his ear.

"What shampoo do you use???"

He starts laughing and you giggle as well.

"I'm being deadly serious! Everyone in the universe wants hair as soft as yours!"

You finish your plait, but you immediately take it out again. You just wanted an excuse to do his hair not really change it.

"Hey, I thought I was getting a new hairstyle." He turns back to you, tying his hair again, smiling.

"Nah. Let's go somewhere else now." He shakes his head again and you but keeps smiling. You were starting to find that smile incredibly cute. You both walk out of the café after finishing your drinks and wander along a little more.

You find a book store, which you drag Jeonghan into. You both split up, searching for different books. Along the way you see Joshua sitting on a stair, absorbed in a book.

"Hey, Joshua."

He looks up. He looks relived and a little guilty. He puts the book down and comes over to you.

"Where have you been? Me and the others have been looking everywhere for you and Jeonghan." He doesn't look angry or even annoyed, just curious. He's not one to get angry.

"Yes, you've clearly been looking really hard." You say, glancing st the book he was reading.

"I got a bit distracted." He looks down, slightly embarrassed.

You roll your eyes.

"We've been wandering about. Is it time to go?" He nods and you turn around to find Jeonghan right behind you. You walk with out side the shop to see the others waiting around.

You all walk back outside the center and out of town all together. You walk with Jeonghan, talking about your time together in the shops. Eventually you arrive at the dorm and the rest of the boys go in. You're about to go in as well when you feel a hand grab your arm

"Wait, Y/N."

You turn to see Jeonghan standing extremely close to you.

"I had fun today, and I would really like it if we did it again sometime... Just the two of us?" He says looking right into your eyes.

Your heartbeat increases rapidly. You feel butterflies in your stomach and your breathing becomes uneven. You hope this isn't obvious.

"Just the two of us?"

"Yes, if you want. So, how about Friday?"

"Yeah... I would like that."



"Good." He laughs a little, then looks at you. He puts his hand on the back of your neck and closes his eyes, pressing his lips to your forehead. He pulls back and puts his forehead against yours, lightly.

"Friday at 7?" You say.

"It's a date."

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