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Imagine for JustMitsune

"Josh. No."

"Josh yes."

"It's a stupid idea."

"It's an amazing idea."

"Joshua. No."

"Joshua. Yes."

You sigh and roll your eyes. Your best friend, Joshua, was staring adamantly at you. Well, you say best friend, but really you had liked him for a while and, although you often gave him heavy hints to how you feel about him, he doesn't seem to pick up on them at all. So you gave up and decided to keep it to yourself. It's not like he had the time for dating anyway. Plus, you were sure he only saw you as a friend. Unfortunately.

You were both sitting on your bed in the spare room of the dorm, the other boys were in their rooms dressing up. You had been arguing like this for about an hour and he absolutely refused to give up.

"Joshua, you can't. They'll go crazy."

"It's your fault, mostly."

"I showed you Tumblr once Josh. Once!" You whine, slumping back in your seat.

"Yeah and it was hilarious. I think they'll like it." He retorts, crossing his arms.

"Josh, dressing up as a priest for Halloween will only encourage them. I can hear the memes now." You shudder at the thought.

"It'll be funny! Please Y/N, I can show them that I don't mind it. Also, they'll  like me more." He opens his eyes wide and looks at you imploringly.

You look him right in the eyes and he clasps his hands together, begging you. You feel your resilience crumble as you look into his dark eyes. You fight against smiling but fail miserably, smiling only a tiny bit. He let's out a cry and points at you dramatically.

"You smiled! C'mon you think it's funny. Plus it's only for a joke." He says happily.

"....okay, fine."

You give in and he cheers in triumph. He runs off, you assume to get the costume he's already prepared, and you state glumly at the pillow. The fans are gonna go crazy you think.

He comes back shortly carrying a black robe and a book. He sits back down excitedly, jostling you in the process.

"Right, so you'll have to do my hair as well. I can't look like I'm in a boy group." He points to his perfectly styled hair.

"What do you want it to look like then?" You ask.

"Just part it down the middle. Like this."

He attempts to flatten his hair down on both sides to create a middle parting but he ends up looking like he just got out of bed. You shake your head at him.

"I'm pretty sure that is not what you meant." You mutter.

He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and frowns.

"Uh, no, that's not it." He mumbles.

You laugh and get off the bed. You go over to your dresser and start searching the drawers for the comb you usually keep in there. You find it and turn around, holding it up dramatically.

"Here, this will help." You say, walling back and standing over him. He looks anxiously at the comb.

"That looks painful. Will it hurt?" He asks nervously.


You bring the comb down on his head and start parting it. He winces as you pull on his hair but doesn't say a word. You concentrate as hard as you can but you can feel Joshua gaze on you as you lean in closer to his head. He stares at you and you turn a little pink.

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