t h i r t y t w o

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Song for this chapter: Imagine Dragons- Bleeding Out

t h i r t y t w o.

Bailey stands there, panting hard with a brass key in her hand. We are all so astonished, none of us say anything.

I'm the first to break the silence. "Where is she?"

"Pepper sprayed that bitch. I knew something was up...had a cab follow you." Bailey rushes over to where Tyler is shackled and with the key, frees him before moving onto Harry. As soon as Harry's chains fall to the ground, he gets onto his feet and rushes to me.

With his hands on either side of my face , he leans in and presses his lips to mine firmly but briefly. It surprises me.

"Call the cops." Bailey hands Tyler her phone then walks to where I am, trying to free the knot behind my back. "Shit, this is too..."

Another scream. It's Sarah, again.

"Hurry." The paranoia is making me nervous and getting to my head. I'm thinking of all these different scenarios that can happen if Sarah walks back in.

Bailey continues to try and free me from the rope. "Okay, plan B."

"What's plan B?"

I feel the heat on my wrists before I know it's fire and I flinch, releasing a cry of pain. "What the hell,"

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm trying to burn it with Daniel's lighter." She says.

I can feel the flame directly on my wrists and I grit my teeth to keep from screaming any more. It hurts so entirely bad.

"You're hurting her." Harry says.

"I almost have it."

"Come on." Tears start to gather at the corners of my eyes then I feel my hands fall from the rope.

I'm free.

"Let's go," Harry helps Tyler up onto his feet and we all start to leave the room; them walking through the door first. I can see the nightsky just outside the windows, can practically taste the outside air.

Just when I think we've made it out safely, I feel something hit me on the side of my head so incredibly hard, I get knocked onto the floor.

We didn't make it far.

It takes me a moment to recognize it's Sarah standing above me with a rusted pipe in her hand.

"Lana!" Tyler yells. He was the one to look back and see me, on the floor.

Just as Harry begins to turn and just as I try to get onto my feet and make a break for it; she picks me up by my shirt and throws me back into the room.

She locks the door behind her.

And I shuffle backwards, trying to stall time as I gather the strength in me to stand after such a hard blow. Blood is already trickling down the side of my face, but I make no effort to wipe it away.

My head is spinning in all different kinds of directions, but I try to keep focus on Sarah and what move she is going to make next.

"Tell that whore to have better aim next time." She spits.

"Lana!" They all begin to bang on the metal. The most apparent voice to me is Harry's. He's screaming so loudly, I can hear the strain in his voice. I can practically feel the same burn in my throat as he is feeling.

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