n i n e

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n i n e.

Song for this chapter: Kodaline-All I Want

"If he let you go that easy then he doesn't deserve you." Harry says just as the waitress at Viola's Cafe serves us our food.

"He was just trying to save his heart." I explain and begin to eat my food. Harry is telling me something about how Anne is getting married and how Gemma is leaving to London tomorrow morning with her friends.

But I am too busy thinking about Tyler. I know I hurt him. The look on his face when he walked away from me said it all.


"Yes?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts.

"I asked do you have classes tonight?'

"Oh... No, I don't."

"You want to come to my show?"

I smile. Harry's music sounds like the perfect therapy right now. "Yes. I'd love that." At that moment, my cell rings and I look at the caller i.d.; Hank.


"Hello?" I immediately answer it.

"Lana Grey?"

"Yes, it's me. Do you have any news?"

"Not even going to ask how was my trip to Tahiti?"

I try my best to mask my frustration. "How was your trip to Tahiti?"

"Splendid. And yes I've got news."

"Is it good?"

"Your novel is to be published by Spring!"

"Gah!!" I yell in happiness and many heads turn in the cafe, but I am too over joyed to care. "You're the best, Hank."

He chuckles. "All right, all right kiddo. We'll be in touch."

I end the call and look to Harry. He is just sitting there with that same old smirk plastered on his face and I know what he's about to say before he says it.

"I knew you could do it, Miss Grey."


"No, you are not wearing that." Harry says just as I step into the living room area.

"I agree with the curly boy." Bailey chimes in.

"What is wrong with my outfit?" I look down at it.

"It's just a bit too..."

"Classy." Bailey finishes it off for Harry. "Let me see your closet."

So the process begins all over again. Bailey hands me some tight, black jeans I have never worn before and leather combat boots.

She keeps searching through my shirts until she comes across a Sublime shirt I usually only wear to sleep.

Without even asking for my consent, she rips the sleeves off, making it a muscle tee and slips it over my head as if I'm not capable of doing so myself.

I look into the full-body mirror and it is hard to recognize the girl looking back at me. Nostalgia fills my body as I look at the girl who used to spend her nights listening to music on high volume while laying in Harry's arms. She would get high and drunk every weekend as an escape and she would not care about others' opinions. She was full of life despite the fears buried well deep in her fragile heart.

Bailey hands me my leather jacket at last and I slowly enter the living room; afraid of what Harry's reaction might be.

Harry turns to look at me once Bailey clears her throat. His eyes rake up and down my body and I feel my cheeks redden at the gesture. Then his lips pull into a grin; dimples only caring to show on one cheek. "Wow- Uh- You look-"

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