You And Me: Hard To Believe

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I went back upstairs and wanted to cry, But why? I mean we were best friends at camp, But that was 3 years ago.We haven't even talked since then, He did remember me though. He still mattered to me in a way. I put my headphones in shutting the crazy world out with the song " The Sinking Man ".

I slowly fell asleep, But was awoken by lights. Lights of Otis's truck. I ran down the stairs and out side.. beyond happy. But there was no Otis, Just Shane.
He was limping his way out of the truck and over to us.

" I got it, I got everything that was on your list.. " Shane said in a some what happy tone.

" Where's Otis ?" I asked in fear of his answer, He simply just shook his head. " We'll tell Patricia after the surgery .. Just right now I need that! " My daddy yelled as he reached for the bags.

Otis is gone, He's gone.. He risked his life for Carl. I'm in disbelief. The only good news was that my daddy was done with the surgery an hour later and Carl seemed to be just fine.

I walked downstairs at the time My daddy and Rick were telling Patricia and Jimmy. Patricia fell to the floor hitting it and crying, It brought tears to my eyes. Otis was a really good man.
He was a family friend. I just, I'm not believing he's gone. Jimmy is too.. Considering Otis was Jimmy's dad. I couldn't watch her be in pain anymore. I turned the other way running into Shane.

The new looking shane, he had no more hair. His eyes pierced into mine like needles. He was hiding something deep within him. I could see it all in his eyes for those 5 seconds he stood there. He then walked into The room Carl was in. I paid no more attention to him. He creeped me out a little.

I heard crying from the front porch.. But it was different crying.. Not Lori's I'd heard this whole day.

I pushed open the door and outside leaning on the railing of the porch was a short haired women.

" Are you alright, miss? " she wiped tears off her face " I'm okay darling. " she replied to my question.

" You're not crying for no reason, I'm not trying to but into your business. It's just not good to keep things inside". I replied back to her not true answer.
She smiled " I just want to find my daughter.. That's all.. "

What could I say to that?

Carl was all alone, So I figured why not talk to him?

" Hey Carl, I don't know if you can hear me..But I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for making my summer 3 years ago really amazing. You were my best friend. You were uh.. My only friend. We literally did everything together. I remember in the middle of the night we snuck out to go to the lake. Oh and how you stood up for me every time Suzanna would torment me.

I continued on while Lori and Rick walked in silently behind listening.

"I remember the last day we hugged for what seemed like years and years.. I didn't want to let go and neither did you. I mean we did eventually let go, But we both knew that's not what we wanted. You're going to be just fine. Your momma and daddy love you.. I can see it, and those people who all came here when they heard what happened to you. Just know that I'm right here, You're old best friend " I teared up a little a smiled.

Lori came and put her hand on my shoulder. " So you were you the girl Carl wouldn't stop talking about for the first 3 weeks back.. " Lori said teary eyed. " he was so worried about making friends". I nodded and a smile approached my face.

" That was me "

She hugged me

We barely knew each other

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now