You And Me: Carl's Mistake.

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I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and Maggie came running through the door. "What's wrong?!" Maggie asked cupping my face and pushing my hair from my eyes. "Carl-my neck-my!" I babbled all types of things and hugged Maggie. She said nothing but hugged me back. She moved her hand along the back of my head shushing me.

"Where is he?" I asked really wanting answer. "He's somewhere around here, he's fine." She tried to reassure me. That dream was far too realistic.

She helped me out of my bed and downstairs where the group gathered into the Living room.

Carl ran through the door with the craziest most frightened look in his eyes. His blue eyes were really faint. I ran to him and hugged him. He barely hugged me back at first, but then he gave me his normal squeeze.

"Are you okay?" I asked confused by his behavior. He said nothing but shook his head, panting.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs while the adults still talked about the Randall guy.

I brought him up to my room and sat him on my bed. "Carl, please tell me what's wrong?!" I begged. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gun. "Why do you have a gun?" I asked him. He shook his head. Why wasn't he telling me what the problem was?

Then moments later he finally spoke.
"I almost died." he looked down still wide eyed. I stood up from next to him "What?! Carl, what happened?!"

"There was a walker and he pulled me down." He said with clearly no type emotion in his face or voice. "Are you bit?" I asked hoping for the answer to be a No, of course

"I'm not." He told me and I sighed in relief. He pulled me into a hug. His grip was extremely tight, but that was the only thing that made me feel safe. His hugs were so tight they left bruises. I know it was not intentional, but they still hurt.

The night slowly approaches and Everybody is told to stay inside while Daryl, Rick, and Shane deal with Randall.

Carl and I both know Randall's time on earth was about to be up.

While everybody was busy trying to get their minds off of what was happening in the Barn, Carl just wanted to be nosy.

"Carl, no we should go back inside. I don't want to watch or even hear this guy die." I protested and Carl grabbed my wrist for me to come with him. "Well, I do. Come on, you don't have to watch. You can just be there with me."

"Stop, you're hurting my wrist!" I shoved him off.  A gut wrenching yell caught Everybody's attention.

Everybody then inside came out "Carl! Ella!" Lori yelled our names.

"We're right here!" Carl yelled back.

"Dale!" Andrea screamed. "I want you two to go inside and lock the doors! Go on now!" Lori yelled at us.

Rick, Shane, and Daryl ran out the barn to the field where Dale's yell came from.

Carl pulled me to what was happening and there was no use in trying to fight back.

We all made our way to Dale and Andrea stabbed the walker that was on top of Dale in the head repeatedly.

"Oh my gosh." I pushed Carl away and held my mouth. I felt so sick seeing Dale's insides being revealed. I looked up at Carl and his eyes were pierced on the dead walker.

Real tears streamed down his face and my tears were not letting up. I looked at him and the walker. What was going on with that?

Everybody else was in shock. "Hershel! Can we help him?! Hershel!" Rick screamed out of sadness and fear.
My daddy just shook his head No
We couldn't help Dale and Rick knew that.
He knew there was nothing we could do. Daryl cocked his gun.

"Goodbye brother." Daryl then ended Dale Horvath's suffering.

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