You And Me: Ryne And Tegan.

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"Glenn, do you have them?" I pulled Glenn to the other room, hoping nobody had seen.

Glenn noticeably sighed and pulled them out of his bag. "What?" I questioned and he looked at me. "It's not right, Ella." Glenn was about to walk away but I pulled him back. "You know what happened to Lori, right? I was there you didn't have to see what she went through. I don't want to go through the same thing she did. It would kill my daddy and especially Carl."

"I appreciate you getting these." I said to Glenn and almost walked away.

"If you change your mind, El." Glenn handed me prenatal vitamins and I stood there for a second. "Thank you, Glenn."

I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. I picked up my shirt seeing the now tiny scar from being shot and the tiny stab wound from Dakota. I slid my hands across my stomach and imagined it bigger than how it was before, then memories of being shot and loosing the baby flooded my mind.


I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Carl standing there. 

"Just looking at all my beautiful scars." I said sarcastically and walked by Carl.

"You're beautiful." Carl pecked me so softly on the cheek. "I'm taking watch, going to get pretty lonely. He was hoping I would stay up with him. Normally he would not even need to ask, but these pregnancy symptoms were moving in quick.

I walked down the steps with Judith in my arms and Carl to my right. Carl didn't trust these new people, at least not yet. That's why he was talking watch tonight. The only people that were even awake were Ryne and Tegan.

They sat on the couch just talking about random things. Ryne saw us walking down the stairs and greeted us. "Hey guys." He smiled and he seemed very friendly. "Just going to take watch, but have to tell my girlfriend goodnight first." Carl said, making it so clear that I belonged to Carl.

"Is this your daughter?" Tegan asked.

"She's my sister." Carl added.

"Where's her mom at?" Tegan added and Carl swallowed hard, looking down.

"Tegs, shut up!" Ryne scolded his sister and she genuinely felt stupid. "Carl, I'm so sorry." It was a sincere apology and Carl accepted. "It's okay, don't worry."

"Anyways, why're you two still up?" I asked and Carl thought they same thing.

"It's weird, but we just can't sleep. You'd think us being out like that for so long, we'd practically pass out since we actually have a secure and safe place to sleep. We're just a little in disbelief I guess you could say." Ryne laughed and that did make sense.

"Are you Carl's sister too?" Tegan asked and I raised a brow at the girl. "No, I'm his girlfriend of two years actually." I smirked at her. "That's too sweet." Tegan smiled and it was the furthest from genuine. 

"Well, you guys going to help keep watch since you're up?" I asked, pretending not to notice her obvious sarcasm.

"Yeah, we could help." Ryne looked at his sister, nodding. "I was going to head off to bed, but I mean since we'll all be up we could all just take watch." I smiled and Carl furrowed his eyebrows because that smile was not approved of. 

Judith fallen asleep in my arms and it was the cutest thing. I went upstairs and set her in her bed. I kissed her forehead and went back downstairs to the others. I sat on the couch with Carl and started to have a conversation with our two newcomers.

"How old are you two?" Tegan asked us. "I'm fifteen and Carl is sixteen, what about you guys?" I asked and Ryne laughed. "That's funny, I'm sixteen and Tegan is fifteen."

"What a coincidence." Carl turned his head to the side. He genuinely was not the least bit interested in what Ryne was saying, but he didn't want to be rude for no reason.

"We're the youngest of you two and the smartest." Tegan winked at me and I laughed. "I mean I have to agree with her on this one." I smiled and Carl did too. He liked that I was getting along with Tegan in that moment. We didn't want to hate them, we wanted to trust the two of them. 

Sometimes it was hard to remember that before the world ended, we were all just regular humans with regular lives. If we wanted that back, we needed to pull together and not apart. I was willing to give the two of them a shot. I was wanting our group to get bigger and stronger so that we could restart the world.

Morning had come and I was the only one of the teens to actually fall asleep. "She's so beautiful, even when she's asleep." Carl said, stroking my hair softly. Tegan smiled at what Carl said about me. 

Carl reached down and lifted me up. He winced a bit in pain and Ryne and noticed. "You good man?" Ryne wondered. "Yeah, just a little sore is all." Carl assured.

"If you let me, I can take her upstairs." Ryne leaned in and tried to take me from Carl. "I can carry her, I'm just sore." Carl would not budge, but he was in pain.

"You'll injure yourself, Carl. I promise I'll be as gentle as I can be." Carl finally agreed and Ryne grabbed me. I was now bridal style in Ryne's arms as he carried me up the steps to my room. Carl watched very closely and Tegan was right next to him. "I swear he is such a competitive little shit." Tegan laughed at her brother.

"You seem right." Carl agreed and Tegan followed with "I know I am." Carl looked at Tegan and she gave him a small, but noticeable smirk. Carl noticed and didn't know how to feel about it. He couldn't tell if Tegan was trying to hit on him, but it was obvious.

Ryne had made it to my room and gently set me on the bed. I was fast asleep and had no real control over what I did next. I lunged forward and held onto Ryne in my sleep. I'd always slept with Carl and was used to holding onto him in my sleep.

Ryne reluctantly pulled away from me and just stared at me.

"Carl sure is very lucky."

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