You And Me: Why?

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" I want you and your people out of here ". My dad said finally after a long minute, he got back off his knees and headed for our house.

" Hershel! " Rick said going to follow after Him". We've been out looking through these woods for that little girl and she was in there the whole time! Shane yelled in My daddy's face

" I didn't know" My daddy said in a low tone.

" Get over here, right now". Maggie yelled at me, pointing her finger to the spot in front of her. Before she could even give me a second to answer, she pulled my by my arm.

" GET OFF ME "! I screamed in her face, as she slapped me in mine.

Andrea shoved Maggie away from me " Don't touch her like that! Hear me?!" Andrea said in a stern voice.

" Don't you tell me what I can and can't do to my sister, You back the hell off now! " Maggie yelled back in Andrea's face. Glenn came in time and got between the two of them.

Maggie grabbed my arm, and I stayed trying to yank my arm free. She was much stronger.

" LET GO! " I yelled at her and she let go of me in a pissed of manner. I walked back over to Carl, as he was still shaken up about everything.

Meanwhile my daddy was still arguing with Rick and Shane.

" Otis found those people! He probably put her in there before he was killed ! My dad told Shane".
" You really expect me to believe that!? Huh?? " Shane asked.. " I don't care what you believe, You get off my land. I mean it " My daddy pointed at rick's group.

Carl and I walked over to Shane and Rick.. I was still pretty lost and sad about my mom.. But what could I have done.. Let her bite me? And leave Carl? .. No!

" that son of a bitch knew, He knew Sophia was in there. Daryl almost died looking for that little girl! And she was in there the whole time! " Shane was aggravated.

" so you just decided to hand those guns out and slaughter his family"? Rick asked Shane.
" His family was already dead, Rick " Shane said getting annoyed.
" That's not what he thinks, he thinks you just murdered them right there.. " Rick told Shane back.

Carl and I laid on my bed. One of his hands was holding up his head, while the other one played with my hair. I laid on his chest writing my name with my fingers.

" Maggie thinks we're young. We shouldn't be together. " I confided in Carl
" I've been waiting three long years for you, your sister won't get in the way". Making me smile.

" I wish I could've been the one to find Sophia. You know? She'd be hiding somewhere and I'd find her and she'd be safe, because of me. "Carl said, breaking the silence that was nearly putting me to sleep.

" Carl, do you blame me"? I asked him. " Blame you for what"?
" I thought you would blame me for Sophia being in the barn". I said, almost trembling because I didn't want Carl to be mad at me.

"You didn't know about her in there, right"? He asked me. " No, no I didn't Carl. I promise". I sat up.

" Then I believe you". He smiled and kissed my forehead.

My door swung open " What the hell is he doing in here? " Maggie asked with such a pissed of tone.
" we're talking, why do you care"?
I asked not giving two shits if she cared or not.

She yanked me by my arm and pulled me out of my bed, taking me downstairs, outside and throwing me on the floor.

" What's your problem ?!" Carl asked trying to shove Maggie away from me.

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें