You And Me: Mysterious Women.

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"Carol stay with us!" I heard Carl's voice yell. That stopped my peek a boo session with the baby.

I picked her up and gave her the bottle and walked down the stairs to see Daryl holding carol.

"Carol!" I ran over to her hand hugged her.

"Carol, oh my gosh!" I said with happiness and relief in my voice. She was looking so weak and scared. Daryl carried her limp body upstairs to her bed. Carl grabbed water for her and made her drink it. She responded to the cold water and started to chug it like the baby with her bottle. I hugged Carl still holding the baby, with tears of relief in the rims of my eyes.

"I'm so glad you're alright." I told her, brushing her gray strands of hair back.

While we let Carol get some rest, we decided to go outside for a while.

A figure from the woods appear.. It was a women.. With a long sword and bags.. " Guys.. " I said drawing everybody's attention to her.. She looked like a walker by the way she limped.. But she wasn't.. As she got closer we could see her normal eyes.. Not the disgusting and scary eyes you'd see on a walker..

She held onto the fence and looked Rick in the eyes. He let her in out of curiosity. I took the baby inside in case anything happened. Minutes later I watched Rick bring the unconscious women inside. I walked down and sat on the stairs watching with the baby. He spilled water on her face and she woke up. Out of fear she grabbed at her sword but I kicked it away from her. As Rick held her down in a non aggressive way "What is your name?" He asked her. She stayed quiet.

Rick picked her up and locked her in a cell. Bit harsh, but she did try to grab her sword and kill Rick. I grabbed the bag she was carrying and noticed all types of baby stuff. I didn't say a word though.

Carol's arms were around Daryl, which caught rick's attention. " Oh god carol! " Rick hugged her.. " Poor thing fought her way into a cell.. " Daryl explained.. Carol's now fully stable and awake eyes lock onto the baby.. " Where's Lori? " .. Nobody said anything.. " Rick, I'm so sorry " carol hugged him. I turned to walk back up the stairs.. Noticing the women Rick found watching us.. Carl looked too.. As if he knew I was too.. We both walked up the stairs with the baby.. Into the room we went..

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