You And Me: Good Mommy.

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The next day approached and Daryl, Michonne & Rick were loading up the car with weapons.

Carl and I stood against the fence with Judith in his arms. Rick walked over to us.

"May I talk to him"? Rick asked me. I nodded and Carl handed Judith to me. "Behave Judith." Carl smiled at her, and she naturally shot him a baby smile.

"Judith?" Rick asked. "I like it." Carl smiled "Its a beautiful name." Rick smiled and it slowly faded.

"Look son. I need you to protect everybody while we're gone, Judith and Ella in particular." Rick added

I overheard the whole conversation.

"Yeah, of course dad." Carl smiled realizing his dad really had faith in him. Rick hugged Carl and they headed out.

I still had Judith with me and she had her hand in her mouth, not knowing anything. "You're so beautiful, little one." She smiled and it was the cutest thing. Judith probably didn't understand what I just said, but the fact she smiled right after I'd said it made it a memorable moment.

I placed my eyes over on Carl while he was playing with the silencer on his gun.

"Babe"I called to Carl.

He looked up at me. "Are you okay"? I asked him, taking Judith over to him. "Yeah no, I'm fine." He replied.

Obviously something was wrong with him and he wanted me to actually ask.

I bent down in front of him, "Your dad is going to come back, he always does." I kissed his cheek, and he adjusted his hat. "Well, try not to jinx it." He replied.

We went back inside to our cell, and he sat down on the bed and I followed next to him.
Judith looked at both of us with her big brown eyes. She started to giggle, smile, and that brought a smile on my face and Carl's.

"Hi baby girl! Hi"! I cooed at her as I blew on her tummy. She giggled even more.

"You know, el. You'd be a great mommy." Carl told me, and I smiled back at him. "You think so?" I asked, taking it as a compliment.
Suddenly I felt a really twisted feeling in my stomach, and sat Judith on Carl's lap and ran outside as fast as I could.

I pulled my hair up and started to let go a lot of through up.. Carl had given the baby to carol and ran to me.. Rubbing my back and helping me with my hair. "Let it out let it out.. " he said.. I sat back on my butt and pulled my knees to my chest..

"That didn't feel good." I laughed after.
"Feel better?" he asked me and laughed. "Much better." I smiled
"I'd kiss you, but you have throw up mouth." he laughed uncontrollably. I hit his arm and we walked back inside hand in hand.

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