You And Me: Why Me?

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"Son, you don't want to do this. " my dad said.

"Shut the hell up before I do it now! " he said choking me harder than before.

"Put it down, please. It doesn't need to end like this." Rick said.

Everybody had weapons pointed towards Dakota.

"No, she needs to pay for what she did to my dad! " he yelled back at everyone. It fell silent.

He started walking backwards near the the gates, with me still in his grip. "Open the gates! OPEN THEM!" Dakota spat, tightening his grip and

Rick walked over opening it.

"Let go of me!"I yelled, being ignored by Dakota, of course.

"I swear to god, if anybody makes one move or tries to find us. I'll kill her. I'll throw her to the walkers.. I kid you not." he said with such a serious tone.

Making me gulp, because I was honestly scared as hell.

Carl and I made eye contact, I looked deeply in them from a distance.


Fear was all I could see.

Dakota still held me by the neck and we began to walk down the gravel road till the prison was out of site. He than pulled a walkie talkie out

"Hey get your asses over here, We're ready". he smirked.

"Please, you don't want to do this." I said looking up at him.

"That was my dad, you dumb bitch. Why would I not want to feel you suffer?" He smirked, grabbing my v-neck strongly.

"Then just do it, shoot me right now. If that's what your heart desires just do it Dakota." I yanked myself away from him, falling on my butt.

He began laughing hysterically "A quick painless death? Yeah I don't think so, Just doesn't cut it for me. Just wait for later. Just wait." he picked me up by my neck, smirking, kissing my forehead, and tightened his grip harder around my neck.

A truck tore through the woods and stopped dangerously close to us. Dakota opened the door and shoved me inside first following behind.

"Where's your mom?" a man in his early 20's asked. "Who gives a shit? She wasn't cut out for this plan." Dakota laughed as the other two men in the truck did.

"But look at this nice little number I got me." Dakota slid his index finger along my cheek, causing me to move my face in disgust.

"We trusted you!" I spat at him.

"If you're going to talk to the whole ride I will kill myself." he laughed as he tied my hands and the others chimed in laughing.

I sat back against the opposite door far away from him, he looked at me and made a kissy face to me.

We finally reached an enormous house. The two men that were also in the truck with us were laughing and continuing their conversation about how they raped two 13 year olds and made the dad watch.

I listened in disgust as Dakota pulled me out, we got inside and as soon as I stepped in screaming and crying echoed the whole house.

It seemed like hell on earth.

"What's that?" Dakota said pointing, as I turned to look at what he was talking about.

A blow to my head from something extremely hard sent me out cold into Dakota's arm's.

He kissed my cheek.

"Welcome Home." he smirked

Back at the prison, hell was going to break loose.

Rick picked Debra up by the shirt, going back into the prison and shoved her to he floor.

"You better start talking if you know what's good for you. " Rick said pulling out a pistol.

"I'm not behind any of this I swear on everything! That wasn't even my Dakota out there doing all that." she pleaded crying.

"Oh bullshit lady, i don't believe a word comin' out of that mouth of yours. You knew we killed your bastard husband and this was all part of your little plan."

Daryl chimed in with his crossbow near her face.

"I promise! I promise!" she said still on the floor crying.

Carol pulled a revolver off the table and stuck it under Debra's Jaw.

"I swear to god if they hurt her in any way, I'll do it." Carol said calmly to her.

"That's my little girl, you understand me Debra!" my daddy said nearly in tears.

Debra looked down in tears as well.

Then a shot erupted through her skull.

Sending everybody's attention to where it came from.


He set his gun down by his side, looking bewildered by his own actions.

Everybody was in shock.

Did that really just happen?

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now