You And Me: He Saved Me

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edited october 9th 2016

I was posted up on the edge of the street with my blow poker in my hands. Always had to be on guard for walkers now a days if that was not obvious. I looked to my side to see Lori standing next to me. I knew what she wanted to talk to me about, because it was always the same thing.

"No, we haven't talked and no we aren't going to get back together." I said to Lori and huffed in annoyance. She only wanted me back with Carl for his own sake and obviously hers. He was much happier with me and actually talked to her. I couldn't necessarily pin Lori for being selfish because that was her son.

"Ever since you two broke up, he-

"I already know that Lori. You manage to remind me daily, but it would be nice if you took into consideration about how I felt. I want him to change just as much as you do, and I still hope and wish that he'd change. I won't lie, I miss how Carl was at summer camp and the farm. That's just not him anymore, because we all change."

"I just don't know anymore" I finished.

"I respect your decision either way" She told me and kissed my forehead as she turned to go back to the others.

After Lori walked away I had the sudden urge to go to the bathroom or my bladder would explode. I seriously could not hold it, so I grabbed my weapon of choice and wandered into the woods. Not far enough to some how get separated, but far enough that nobody could see me doing my important business.

Once I was done, I lifted my pants and  buttoned my jeans. I heard from nearby, crunching leaves and a faint moan. I looked all around and could not see a walker anywhere. I made my best efforts into getting back to the others in my group, but once I had turned to leave, I was faced with a walker.

A man walker that towered over me and was obviously a foot and a couple of inches taller than I was. I grabbed my weapon and jabbed it into his stomach as an instinct, considering I could not reach his head. 

He grabbed the blow poker from my hands as we wrestled for dominance. I could not let this walker make his way on me, because it would for sure be done for me.

I then froze, and no scream, nothing came out of my mouth.

I was for sure going to die right now and it was evident. I was going to die all because I just had to use the bathroom.

A bullet then went straight through his forehead and he dropped al of his weight on me. I was not dead, but the walker was. I was for sure that these were my last few seconds on earth, but I was spared.

I turned to see who had saved my life and it turned out to be Carl.

Carl managed to move the walker off of me and helped me up. We looked at each other in the eyes for a good 5 seconds before we verbally communicated. I was stunned that he was the one to save my life when I thought for sure I was a goner.

"Thanks" I subtly said and wasn't counting on receiving an answer back from him

I turned to leave after a few moments of awkward silences, but was stopped by Carl.

"You froze, didn't you?" the words I didn't like left his mouth

I tend to freeze when I get scared and that is no surprise.

My facial expression was filled with embarrassment and sadness because he was not wrong. I put my head down in shame and began to walk back to the group, but Carl stopped me. He didn't use his man handle he used before, but a slight and gentle tug on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, that was just the first thing that popped into my mind." he said, staring me down with those piercing blue eyes of his.

I nodded my head and continued on my way

Carl nodded his head as well and the silence grew on us once more. We began to walk back and the entire group spotted us through the trees. "Now where the hell were you two?" T-Dog asked and I gave him a real sour look. 

"Am I not allowed to go to the bathroom without being put on trial for my bladder choices?" I snapped at T-Dog for thinking he had some authority over me. When in reality, T-Dog just cared about the both of us.

"Ella, you need to apologize." Carol demanded

I rolled my eyes in my head, because that wasn't exactly respectful to do in reality.

Carol has become such a mother figure to me in these past 9 months. She has treated me how any daughter would want to be treated by their mothers. The way she cares about me will always warm my heart until the day I die. 

In some way I feel as though Carol sees me as her daughter Sophia.

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