You And Me: Hold Off

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"I told you two not to split up!" Rick started to holler at both Carl and I.

"I split from him, I said it was my fault. Don't be upset with Carl whenever it was all my fault." I tried to ease the situation in a way, but Rick was very angry. "Why in the world would you not listen to me?!" Rick was now screaming at just me and that angered Carl just a bit.

"Do not yell at her like that!" Carl was now reaching his dad's volume and it was getting a little too heated in here. "Rick! Calm down, I said I was sorry. Everybody is fine, we're fine. Can't you just be thankful for that! Good God!" I shouted at Rick and Carol scolded me for it.

"Ella, that's enough. Both of you, enough!" Carol tried to calm the situation and Carl was ready to say more. I grabbed his arm and just told him to let it go. There was no reason to argue with each other. 

"It won't happen ever again." I finished and it was quiet for hours after that.

The night had finally fell on us and I had my head leaned on Carl. Carl ran his fingers through my hair and I came so close to falling asleep countless times. Carol was fast asleep in the front and I was next, but Carl had spoke.

"I made a mistake, not noticing that she left. I'm owning up to my mistake just like you told me to back at the farm. I'm sorry for it." Carl had said to his dad. I was acting as if I was asleep, but he had no clue I was actually awake and listening. "When I heard Ella scream, it scared me. I thought that I had lost her."

"Carl, you really care about her don't you?" Rick had finally spoke up to Carl.

"I care about her more than anything in this world. It probably sounds so silly because I'm only sixteen, but I would die for Ella. I really am in love with this girl." A smile had inched onto Carl and Rick's faces.

I actually did fall asleep after that because there was pure silence afterwards.

I was woken up by the shining sun in my eyes.

We all stopped at a gas station to fill up the cars with fuel. Carl was still sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I wish I had a camera so I could have taken a picture of him. He looked like a soft little princess enjoying his much needed beauty rest. "Little cutie." I whispered so that I wouldn't wake Carl up. I gave him a soft little peck on his nose and hopped out of the car.

"Where you going?" Carol asked me and brushed my hair behind my ear. "Just have to use the bathroom really quick." I smiled and hoped she wouldn't notice a hint of anxiousness on my face. "Everything okay?" She asked and I mentally smacked myself. "Everything is fine I just really need to pee." 

There was absolutely no discretion within this group anymore and it was slightly annoying sometimes.

"I'll go inside the store with you, make sure you're alright." Daryl said and I just nodded. He didn't show it, but he was pretty shaken up hearing me scream in the store yesterday. "Thanks." I smiled at him and placed my arm around him, heading inside the gas station.

Once I had reached the bathroom, I shut the door and immediately looked for what I needed. I found it in the bottom of my bag and gulped once I had really looked at it. A few minutes had went by and I placed my eyes on that certain something.

Results were in and I began to tear up.

"Hurry up in there! Whatchu been eatin, little one?" Daryl hollered from the other side of the door.

I shook my head and started to cry in my hands. "You crying in there?" Daryl asked through the door. I shoved the door open accidentally hitting Daryl in the face. "Damn!" he said holding his nose. I tried wiping my face free of the tears so he would not see.

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