You And Me: No Longer A Safe Haven.

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Carl grabbed my hand, and pulled my behind a wall.

"I am so sorry, Ella" he said, and I looked at him.

"If one of us dies, just know. I love you". I said to him, and came out from behind the wall shooting one of the governor's soldiers.

After only minutes, but what seemed like hours of nonstop gunfire, it was finally tamed. Only to hear a truck ripping through our fences and letting walkers into our safe haven.

I didn't let it distract because I was actually pissed off at an all time high right now. I loaded my gun back up and aimed clearly at this prick named the governor. Missing his head, but a direct hit in his shoulder.

I could see him wince in pain, and he left with that.

Walkers, Walkers were everywhere.
Maggie sprinted out the prison with weapons, that we all grabbed as if they were candy.

I shot down more walkers than Woodbury soldiers, because the walkers didn't have guns.
I winced at not so bearable pain in my arm. I was actually scared now because what if it was a bite.

I set that aside to go and retrieve more weapons, but two walkers grabbed onto me tightly and I shot them both in the head. Miracle right?

More walkers surrounded me.

God here it was.

I'm dying right here.

Just get it over with already.

An arrow and a couple of shots got the walkers off of me, and I looked to see who just saved my ass.

Daryl and the famous Merle Dixon.

Carl pulled me back behind a wall, considering I was out in the open and it would've been clearly easy to shoot me
We stood behind a wall for a minute.

I froze.

Why did I freeze.

I haven't done that in a while.

Carl was out of ammo and we were taking in heavy fire
"ella! shoot! ella"! he screamed at me as I snapped out of my frozen state and shot down the remaining soldiers with help from my group.

More walkers appeared. We shot down stabbed as many as we could, but it wasn't any use.
There were too many for us to handle.

We all entered back inside the courtyard, closing the gate, then heading back into the cell block.
My arm was stinging, with blood flowing out.

"Are you bit"?!

Carl asked me, as I took my long sleeve shirt off. Revealing only a gunshot wound. I sighed in relief and that relief was shut down with Judith's high pitched screams and cries.

I ran upstairs, and got her bringing her downstairs. Accidentally getting blood on her forehead. I handed Judith to carol, who was mentally all not there for the moment. I tied my shirt around my arm literally like a champ.
My daddy came to give it a look, and I dismissed him kindly. I was fine.

" Damn panzy ass son of a bitch! " Merle yelled from behind the bars.. " Merle, shut your ugly ass up.. " Daryl shot back..

"I want him to suffer, I want revenge". Rick spat, no literally he always spits when he's talking with rage. "Oh chill your ole happy self down there officer friendly. That governor's got enough man power and guns to shut every one of you's asses out the water". Merle laughed.

"Would you not talk for a second, seriously"! I yelled at him, because he was being so annoying. "Oh I'm sorry there sugar tits, can face what's true. My bad".

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